All Your Character Names: Kubonny, Kuleechy, Kustorage1 Last thing you did: Help guild mate do ludi party quest and head to fm. Why do you think you got banned?: false ban? Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection What GM banned you (optional): Is this a ban or bug?
You were permanently banned for soliciting rwt. Would you like to describe the origin of your meso and items?
What rwt? With my lousy items? please explain to me how i rwt without spending a single cent of real SGD? Do you need a copy of my bank statement to proof innocence?
Got 3 ws 1 cs from boxes, 2 ws from Gacha. Apq daily without fail to sell apples. Im on for at least 10 hours a day everyday, to sell leech and having some mesos im suspected for rwt???
Looks like you also bought some WS so I banned your seller just now too. Based on our record, you got your 12att fs from a known rwt seller on your character kustorage1, and then you passed to your main Kubonny, which you eventually downgraded to 8att within the game With that being said, your appeal is denied