BUMP #Add 12Fs 15fs & 9/58 1slot katinas & 12/6/44 khanjar #Removed 12fs , Traded 12fs to 10/2 , 10/2>13/1 >15/0 #Update 9/58 1slot katinas , 9/73>10/97 9/73 >> #Khanjar bought from @GojinNaNa https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-6-22-khanjar.224401/ 6/40 finished >>>
hi, want to buy 1 mp 2 item pouch 3 wing boots 3 binocular 3 magic scale 3 item ignore how much mesos would all these cost?
hi, want to buy 5 meso magnets 5 item pouches 5 hp pot pouches 5 mp pot pouches 5 wing boots 5 binoculars 5 magic scales 5 item ignores how much mesos would all these cost? - Mawiii
hi i notice your thread is closed. still interested in your shoe if you are still interested in selling. if not it's cool