It's been years. Most of my friends from years past have moved on, but I see the occasional person here or there who remembers me, or recognizes one of my guides. I randomly got the idea to check on the server, and what do you know - there are things to do now. More goals to work toward. Many, many changes have happened and it's been an interesting time. All the little things that change among the community is interesting to see. Leeching has become extremely min-maxed (to no one's surprise). Telecasting is now basically a requirement. People often split leech instead of solo, when it used to almost always be solo. Calculating the exact amount of xp/hour, or leeching bosses that weren't popular leeches before. People now sell services for things like skill books and quests, which admittedly makes me laugh. All the things I do for the fun of it could be making me mesos. VIP looting for bosses has become the norm, when it used to be the exception. New bosses such as Shaolin, Von Leon, and all that encompasses Neo Tokyo are out now. HP quests make HP washing a little less painful, or those like me who reached a high level without HP washing can now catch up to those who did. A lot of staff changes, both in the overall division of needs (Good to see a forum moderator and specific developer sub-sets like game balancing now!) and just new faces in general. So for now? I'm back. Who knows how long the hyperfixation will last. I'm enjoying my NL despite the nerfs and changes. (Recharging got expensive!). Slowly working on getting enough HP for end game bossing again. I am working on my gear, working toward the Quest Virtuoso medal, and other collections. I found a friendly guild, but still looking for people to chill with. I'm not much of a min-maxer or care about optimal this or that. I just like to enjoy the game. Feel free to add me! Will I update my NL Guide? Undecided. Someone else already made one, and I have no experience with new bossing mechanics or strategies - tackling that would be a massive project.
You were the first gm i ever saw in game. I reported someone botting ghost ship 2 and you showed up moments later to get rid of them. As you are one of a few remaining people i remember from when i first started playing im very happy to see a familiar face. Youre welcome to add my little mage i started playing last week, iDisappear. Biggest of welcome backs Sila!!
Welcome back Sila! Always great to see those who were here near the start come back, and especially those who contributed as much to this community as you have. I hope you have a great time back, and good luck with your quest medal. I'm currently aiming for it on my BM
Hey Sila! I'd like to thank you once again for all the times you warped me at zakum back then when D/cing while bossing was the normal. Welcome back and I hope you have fun while it lasts