I've had the text on some items bug out from time to time lately: Spoiler This particular 'BS' text bug affected probably about half of the equipment on my Drk. This only affected equipable items, use, set-up, etc. weren't affected. The 'BS' text will remain through relogging the character, but will be fixed if I restart the client. I've also seen something similar where the strings for the stats displayed will be effected, such as displaying 'LU:' instead of 'LUK:'. Unfortunately I didn't take a screenshot of that one. These text bugs seem to only happen on my Drk, or maybe I've only noticed them on this character. I tend to afk on him in FM, manage my store, and browse other FM stores. Not sure if that has anything to do with it. I've also had the client crash a lot on my Drk. All my other characters seem fine.
The in progress text for the second part of Legend of the Snail has an unnecessary extra Alloy. Also the npc is Wing the fairy but I skipped all the text so I dunno if there was a clue for that or something lol
I just saw this thread after creating a post about a typo. This is the post: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/typo-in-asias-dialogue-for-neo-tokyo-quest-line.231296/
A few typos to report; (Sorry for missing this thread!) Nick's Ring - Scadur asks for 100 Cerberus Teeth, but only actually needs 80 Eliminate the Drakes - Muirhuat asks to kill 50 "Red Drakes" and 50 Ice Drakes in text, but the quest calls for 50 Drakes and 50 Ice Drakes When traveling up Orbis tower, it asks if you'd like to use a "ScrollK"
Quest: Ericsson's Reward Ericsson states he needs 200 nependeath and 100 dark nependeath seeds when he only needs 150 and 80
For Olaf 10 a.k.a. An Adventurer's Assignment X: Text cutoff/partially pasted over by "0" on the second part of Olaf's dialogue: He is astonished 0