After 10 months on this server, finally hit level 200! Rather surprised that only 899 other warriors reached 200 before me, given how long this server has been running for, but yayy I think like most of us here on Royals, Maplestory, specifically MSEA was my first introduction to online gaming and video games in general, which is probably why I've found myself coming back to this dumb mushroom game over and over, throughout the past decade. I have fond memories of MapleDestiny 10 years back, where I made my first unwashed NL (female character because females got extra crit damage due to a bug). My first and only 120+ character in MSEA was a lvl 151 I/L mage and I quit pre-bb, which meant I never got to experience any form of boss raids. Zak, HT, PB, Anego, BF, HH, etc. were all exciting experiences that I got to try for the very first time on dms. I joined the server when it was way past it's heydays, but the pros there brought me along. Leafie, Bane, PotatoPon, Elmo. Discord didn't exist back then, so there really wasn't a way for us to keep in touch, but wherever you guys are now, I hope you're doing well. I started on Royals last Oct with intentions of just voting for a year to save up for washing (toxic i know) but curiosity got the better of me, and I thought "hey whats the harm I'll just level a mage for abit" and BOOM 10 months of crippling addiction later here we are. Huge shoutouts to Ohms, turns out having a bunch of people shouting "wb" "wbwb" when you log in and "gzgz" when you level up really does make the game more enjoyable. I mostly do solo stuff during working hours (hurray to private cubicles) but just being in an active guild makes royals that much more alive, super recommended. I guess I'll be taking a break for now, time to clear my backlog of games which I have been neglecting (gonna try out BG3, Dragon's Dogma, waiting for MH wilds!!). Gonna be getting married at the end of this year, and going for my masters next year (hopefully), so not sure how much more time I can spend on Royals, but the journey has been a blast!! People talk shit about royals all the time on reddit etc. but I've really enjoyed myself, so just wanted to thank the admin team and GMs for making this all possible. Thanks for reading to the end, just some personal ramblings haha and happy mapling all!!
July 21st Got a 8STR7LUK Toadband and finished in 56 WS @dragonsgomoo @Kepler @Chisheng @FuznesS July 25th Ran CWK with my homies and looted a 10LUK8WA MoN (we dont speak about the dex) @MOMOBELLA @ohnoblobs @Chisheng July 28th Thought I got another troll blue tag Ifia Ring from RG, only to get trolled even harder when I saw the stats Then I tilt CS'd it the DUE @kachau way, I put my Legendary Spirit at the top, because when we're done, the stats will go up and let all the haters down @Aestel @Jooon for watching me scroll I guess July 31st 21 Belts later, finally managed to a 6+ WA one @Cynn @TingTongBell - Thank you July for treating me better than the rest of 2024 combined
Today i got my first MapleRoyals character to Level 100. My Dragon Knight; Mindpiece, is on the official path to 120 now!
This is my accomplhisment I’m back after a long time, this was my first name character when i was start played on 2013, 11 years ago f4 so my new journey its starting now, im looking for new friends,guild etc like an old and nostalgic expirience, so feel free to add me on buddy list if someone want or pm me. i hope to see all in game New shad is coming
Collect all monster cards (LF>PB) pain card rank: 1st painus (long respawn /left and right/overhunting) 2st mingu(i can't believe this shit have card/dojo final boss summon/14k points only watched once) 3st male boss(idk why use 1.5 hr get 1 card/can't steal and taunt) Thanks to my friends play pq with me. Special thanks to @BusControl duo gpq with me. Also finished my goddamn dagger. Thank you very much @Moeyuki ws service.
Finally got clear again with a majority Alliance run Shoutout to @anglerfish1 for hosting and @andywtf & @qkrqhdud for callouts
I posted yesterday my come back as a shad but sorry for all shads. my heart its for hero , Im so excited and whit a lot of motivation for continue. today im a fighter soon Crusader <3 i say again if someone its new and wanna a friend for pq train talk everything feel free to add me to a buddy list. i hope soon i get new friends and guild see all in game
finally got a good headband! will keep toading till i get the perfect one but i think this one is worth to mention also, after saving for a while, finally got a nice amount of frags ready to be crafted, thought its worth the mention before i craft them happy mapling! =)
Been an eventful few months: 20 > 21 cape 91/19 > 95/19 claw 23 > 24 glove 15 luk -> 7/6/7/28 luk earring All for 400 range. Time for a break :^) Thanks to friends for the support/bossing/scrolling, etc.!
Found a random 94 att clean angelic betrayal when I've done Ellin preuqests for my future bucc (avg is 85) and tried some 30%'s on it. edit: a 5th 30% passed and since it had no chance getting to 130 att as 7/7 if I css (only clean 95 can) I just went safe and used one event scroll to make it above 120 att.
Back in February the stars aligned and we achieved our first deathless VL run. Didn't think I'd see the day again, but today we did it again! Is this the new norm? Spoiler: video Didn't take a proper screenshot so this will have to do: Shoutout to @PinaColadaPirate for dcing to make this doable
I know this isn't Royals related but it is Maplestory related. Its a story of Accomplishment involving Maplestory so hopefully the community doesn't mind and allows me to ramble for a bit. I'm so happy and I have nobody else to share it with. I just regained access to my two oldest Maplestory accounts from back when i first started. In 2006, 19 year old Enticing used a god mode hack (tried to save money on potions) while training at Ant Tunnel on his level 3x F/P mage and the account was perma banned. I thought it was forever but found out it was unbanned by Nexon a few years back. I just logged into it for the first time in 18 years!!! The best part is my little mage is still intact. After this account was banned I created a 2nd account which would go on to be my main account for the next 3 unforgettable years on Maple. Sometime in late 2009 while I was logged in chatting with friends, I would run to the store to pick up some NX cards. After attempting to log into the website to activate them, I would be unable to do so, finding out a password reset had been placed on my account, one that I did not initiate. The bad news would only get worse. I would discover the email the reset was sent to was closed due to inactivity (Thanks AOL Email). Even after reactivating the Email i would never receive any password resets no matter how many times i tried. My theory always was that something on Nexons end broke due to the email being inactive. Knowing that once I logged off I wouldn't be able to log back in, I would log off my NL named BlueWkd for the final time. I would create another account immediately after and continue to play for another year and a half before calling it quits in 2011. Even months after I lost my account, I continued to try and resolve the issue with tickets but eventually I gave up. In 2020 i was feeling nostalgia nip at my feet again and decided some 10+ years later to try again. And I have no idea why but it actually worked this time. Reset sent and Email received. But I would only be dealt another blow. Nexon had gone through and deleted characters that hadn't logged in for a long period of time. And my NL and the other characters on the account, having not logged on in over a decade had been wiped. The only thing I had left of that account was an empty character screen. I would log off this account once again and wouldn't try to log into it again until a few days ago. After trying to log in I had to reactivate the account with a code being sent to my email. No problem, go to log into my email to get the code and find that this too needs a code to be reactivated. This time the only way I could reactivate the email was by entering in another bleeping code that was sent to a cellphone number I hadn't used in almost 15 years. Immediate dead end. Attempting to recover the account with Nexons "lost email" tool was another dead end. I decided last night to send in a long email to Nexon explaining the situation and pleaded to let me move my account to a new email, and wouldn't you know it, customer support at Nexon might have actually improved in one area in the last decade, cause they were actually able to do that. So now I once again have access to the account. Its doesn't have any characters on it, but that doesn't matter to me. Just knowing I have it again is all I wanted. Enjoy a picture of my first character and the eye sore that is the modern Maple UI Spoiler https://i./PCxsYc3/First-Account.jpg Huge Edit: i have to update. Despite having logged into this account and seeing the characters all wiped multiple times in the past, and then logging in and seeing them all wiped again last night before I made my post, I accidently logged in today and found them all were restored!!!!!!!! Some GM at Nexon restored them all!!!!! I'm unable to come up with the words to explain how im feeling right now. Just speechless. Spoiler https://i./jZVMXZb/Oh-my-God.jpg