Offering up a beautiful cape with gamble potential (28 WA potential cape if CSS x1 to 23/1) for sale so I can get a dagger/shield set for my shadower. If you really want this cape offer those up to me and we'll work it out CS-ing video here: ( References Hi Ravina s/b: 110b or 22cape(90b) + 20b valuing 22 cape at 90b 21 att: 65b 20 att:40b a/w: 150b Prefer: 110 kanzir clean @ 16b 140-145 any dagger at valuation (PM me) 43att+Khanjar at valuation (PM me) 20-22 att capes + topup Shad RoA 5-6 stat str/dex/luk combo Also accepting: pure bcoin/CS/WS CS/WS subject to change (currently accepting @500m each 8/11/2024) mir auf scrolls 300m ea Anything else feel free to DM me or PM me in-game for private discussions/valuations. lowballs ignored bid ends in 1 week from last uncontested bid and/or at my own discretion if it's near autowin price or what I'm looking for GL to all who bid. Add this end-game cape to your collection now!
LMAO @ the memes. can't fault these endgame pros though! Thanks to all who bid! c/o will be JuliusOmega from #CREATE with 22cape (90b)+45b or 135b lowered a/w! bid ends 6days from now if no further bids still looking for perfect clean/finished khanjar/kanzirs (i can topup too!)
bump c/o ~135b or 22 PGC + 45b a/w set to 150b or 22 cape + 60b Lowered a/w again one final time to 150b to encourage those on the border to swoop and gamba this thing 23/1 for suuuper cheap 24+ cape ez CHEAP price for 23/1 potential cape compared to the future if things keep inflating! Selling in 5 days, @JuliusOmega if you win this please PM me when you can meetup and how you plan to pay/topup etc