exactly my feeling, there those people who clearly dont want another factor to bother with while playing, i can fully understand this tho.
Honestly you make enough mesos on NPC-ing equips, that it's really not an issue to afford potions. I think that the price of the NLC potions over all is pretty fair where it's at right now. I wouldn't raise or lower any prices since lower levels have a fair shot currently at obtaining potions right now.
For not making it to hard for new players i still think adjusting prices of all potion which give you % of HP/MP would be a good idea as it wouldn't affect new player/low level characters as they dont need the % Potions.
maybe because this factor was "let's make arch mages earn 8x less money from grinding, so they're forced to sell leech". I'm saying that because I rarely ever sell leech on my arch mage, so I earn maybe 150 to 200'ish mil meso from vendoring equips over the useage of 5.5k-6k potions. If you'd make the potion refill cost 80m instead of 20m, and the vendor value of equips halved, I will literally lose meso while grinding.. And the meso income of 150m is based on 1 hitting the mobs. While at the same time, this would not affect my corsair or marksman in any possible way. Even if you raise the cost of all potions, I've got plenty of potions on those characters from bossing, grinding or gacha so they wouldn't even buy any :x It's such a weird thing to only target 1-2 classes in a meso sink suggestion
You call a raise in price a nerf? I guess arch mages have such a problem getting money, having so cheap pots you could farm in HHG and still gain money.
i do call it a nerf. AM's have to use a potion for every meteor. we couldnt make a profit using our ultimates at HHG. that's just a gross hyperbole. you seem to care so much about buffing the most broken class in the game and look to bring down the classes that actually need a buff. you got the fury buff you've been wanting for so long. stop trying to bring AM's down
Having around 7m per hour in pot costs is not a problem, why would arch mages need a buff? What class is broken? You are exaggerating everything.
let's take @Demiosu's example since it seems pretty accurate. it takes me about 4 hours to burn through 6k potions and make about 150-200mil mesos from vendoring equips. so considering the potions cost about 20mil atm, i can make about 130-180mil per 4 hours so about 32.5mil-45mil an hour. Now, if quadruple the cost as suggested, we pay 80mil for potions, making about 70-120mil in 4 hours, or 17.5-30mil an hour. That's 15mil less an hour. and it adds up. Considering this is an A/M's main source of income, I consider this to be a huge nerf. NL's, warriors, Sairs, and other attackers main source of income is from Zakum/HT book drops. Considering HT takes about 2-3 hours to kill, you can make 300-500+mil from splits. Comparing this to what A/M's would be making if the potion cost increase goes through, it wouldnt be fair to A/M's.
Don't forget the part of the suggestion that is "make the npc value of equips half of what it is now". @GoodDoodoo So the cost of your potions goes from 20m to 80m and the meso you've earned from equips would go from 130-180m to 65-90m. If you don't sell leech the chances are that you lose money. This is, once again, for 1 hit farming.. with those changes, 2 hit farmers might as well uninstall because they'd lose 30-40m instead of gaining any meso. Unless they're lucky enough to gain a godly item that sells, but you can't rely on that.
Well for this part i do accept that this wouldnt be fair at all, as you already statet. Edit: And please, it was just an example Suggestion, i just wanted to start a discussion about wheter a change should be considered or not.
It's far from that profitable anymore I never said quadruple anything only a raise in price and if you look at the poll it says "Should we consider a change here" You say how broken every other class is , you don't consider the time for making a HT run, 100m in apple costs, pot costs, time for selling the books. Mages earn a lot more than any other class, you complain cause you go to a map that gives worse drops than other places, so you want maximum exp, money, and you don't wanna sell leech. Me as a NL can go earn more than 37m/h and I kill 10x slower than any mage if not more. I can go miner zombies and make more than that.
Thanks for pointing that out. yes, that would cripple the A/M's income entirely. I feel like ego didnt even read the post and comments before commenting. A lot people seem to comment on arch mages without having played the class
I have an arch mage and I have no problem with the pot costs and I leech characters at GS and make a lot more than I lose.
you didnt, but if you read the post, it says. I said "as suggested". yes, mages earn more than any other class, but bishops. but if you read the comments, you would see that they suggested to lower the npc prices of items so we would make even LESS while INCREASING the potion costs. so what profit do we have left? Mages are grinders, not bossers. Our ADVANTAGE should be to make more money than attackers, but if these suggested changes go through, you are nerfing the one advantage we have over others. you said HHG, not miner zombies. So yes, that was an exaggeration on your part
Im playing an F/P as my main, and i for myself would agree to pay 2-3 times the amount for my potions, as Egonics said, Mages are Making a huge amount of money with little to no funding needed.
ok good. now think about increasing the potion costs by 4x, and halving the mesos you get back from npcing items. would you still make more than you would from HT splits?
yes we are money makers. that is BY DESIGN. mages are not bossers, we are grinders. What you are suggesting takes away our advantage.
The only classes that destroy the economy are mages with their HUGE superiority in making a lot more than any other class can, only cause of NPC equips and I can only see this getting worse with near 1k players. I'm not for destroying any class and I'm not for making pots and drops 8x more expensive. We need money sinks, since npc equips are very overpowered since it creates more mesos all the time. Making 3k mesos per attack in HHG, I think you can do that. You complain on poor income and how arch mages needs buffs, what map are you in that give you 37m per hour? I have an IL but there is no difference between using meteor or using blizzard.