How to start playing this game again?

Discussion in 'Help & Advice' started by xsdysx, Sep 20, 2024.

  1. xsdysx

    xsdysx Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Hi all, played royals throughout 2018-2020 and did not touch it anymore due to other commitments. Today, I've decided to download back and revisit my account and perhaps continue the grind, but shocked to see my main (bishop) almost naked with all of my best gears gone ( ele wand, godly int maple shield, flame cordon gloves and etc with very little mesos and nx left ). When I logged in my main was in ellinia when i checked my inventory and eqs, thats when i logged in to my other characters and all of them are in ellinia at the same spot where my main was. Its really unfortunate to experience this, where I thought I would rekindle my love for royals ended up to being hacked with a almost naked character. Is there anyway I can get back my equips, or any advice on how I should start playing this game again? Any advice would be appreciated!
  2. Kheb

    Kheb Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    Well that fucking sucks.

    The good news is that Mages need very little gear to be effective.
    Also good news. They cannot drop your levels or passed Skill Books, so at least you still got that.

    More good news, many new content and many viable ways to gain more HP makes it that you do not "need" to HP-Wash anymore. If that was something that was preventing you from making whatever char you wanted, no more need to wait, just go make NL you were dreaming about 20 years ago. What char is better to start with is another discussion, but just play whatever the fuck you want. Contrary to popular belief, the Class Balance of today is the best it has ever been.

    tl;dr of the "what char to main" discussion
    Before level 200 and 10b+ investment it really doesnt matter.
    Play whatever the fuck you want.
    I've done plenty of bossing on an IL mage.

    Did they also delete your untrades? If so, fucking dicks. Tho getting yourself good untrades such as a Zhelm/Scartar Hat or Krex Ring is a good place to start.

    You can cast genesis twice at Henesys Hunting Ground and grab the meso's to buy a shit ele wand 5 or 6.

    You could blast your nx from voting on Shrine Gacha for Purple Gaia Cape and a Ele Wand 6 as well.

    You could farm some decent clean low-level mage gear for yourself and grab some more meso while you are at it.

    I have no clue on the leeching meta of today, tho I believe low-level leech (from a bishop) is not really a thing anymore since there are much faster ways now, like Goby Leech.

    You can make some progress towards the quest medal, wich is very good for Mages.
    Start the Olaf's Assignment Quest Chain and once you find yourself some better gear you might be able to start the VL Prequests as well. Tho idk what Bishops need for that. On my IL mage it was very easy.

    Regardless, whatever you do. Just start playing the game. Try out some different grinds and stick to one you enjoy. It'll help you to farm some meso to get yourself some starter gear.

    Welcome Back and glhf on the grind.
    xsdysx, Sylafia and Heidi like this.
  3. Heidi

    Heidi GM Intern

    Feb 8, 2014
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    no idea
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    Aside from Kheb's excellent advice, you need to change your PIN, PIC, and password asap. Do not use the same information you use at other private servers. Many players had their accounts broken into due to making that mistake.

    You probably won't get your gear back, as players are considered responsible for their own account security.

    Would you like an ele wand 6? I have a bunch of low TMA clean ones that I 60% and then give away for free to people in need.
    xsdysx, Kheb and Sylafia like this.
  4. EmersonH

    EmersonH Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2024
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    You can still sell low level leech and that would be a quick way to get back on your feet while you get your gears up. Low level bishop leech (everything below FTP) is painfully slow and agonizing but not everyone has the funds to buy Goby leech, so there should still be plenty of buyers. Alternatively, you can try out various farming methods such as those presented in this guide.
    xsdysx likes this.
  5. xsdysx

    xsdysx Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    thank you all for your heartfelt comments. felt really great to see the community still alive and helpful as ever which brings me back to the old maple days! really great advice from you guys and even offering me gears to get me back on my feet. i will definitely create a fresh thief char to complete what i always dreamt of since young! all the best on your future endeavors and for the amazing advice you guys gave me. definitely relit the fire inside me to continue the grind!
    Kheb and Donn1e like this.

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