Hi all, After much discussion and very little planning, I have decided to try and organize a few Horntail runs in the South East Asia/Australia time-zones. Lots of other impromptu runs take place at all different hours but the ones scheduled on the forums usually happen in the European time-zones, the equivalent of 3-6AM in the SEA/Australia regions. Thus, this thread is for those who wish to participate in Horntail but can't meet the times scheduled by the other parties. I think I should repeat this for emphasis because others have asked if this thread is only for those in SEA/Australia. These runs are not exclusively for those who reside in SEA/Australia; these runs are just catered to those who live in the SEA/Australia regions in terms of timing and scheduling. Anyone from anywhere can join as long as they meet the requirements: 1) Be level 155+ 2) Have a dragon elixir ready 3) Have 2-3 apples and a few energizers ready 4) Pet loots off at all times! 5) Have an open attitude and a flexible schedule The number 5 requirement is because the first few initial runs will most likely be a bit messy due to my personal inexperience but do not fear, other veterans of Horntail have agreed to join us on the runs to keep it relatively smooth! The biggest question people most likely have is: What happens to the loots? The point system: If you do not show up without any reason/notice: -2 points to the skillbook AND HTP/Egg columns The completion of each pre-head will award 0.5 points to the skillbook column. The completion of the legs will award 1 point to the skillbook AND HTP/Egg/Leaf columns The completion of the tail will award 1 point to the skillbook AND HTP/Egg/Leaf columns The completion of the wings will award 1 point to the skillbook AND HTP/Egg/Leaf columns The completion of the arms will award 1 point to the skillbook AND HTP/Egg/Leaf columns The completion of the heads will award 1 point to the skillbook AND HTP/Egg/Leaf columns Thus a successfully completed run will award 6 points to the skillbook column and 5 points to the HTP/Egg/Leaf column Point Tracker/Book Storage Important Notes: The skillbook points are used for: Tier S (Requires 25 points to purchase and must have a finished HTP+Egg): MW 20 Tier A (Requires 18 points to purchase): Genesis 30 Tier B (Requires 15 points to purchase): Berserk 30, Triple Throw 30, Meteor 30, Blizzard 30 Tier C (Requires 6 points to purchase): Enrage 30, Heaven's Hammer 30, Smokescreen 30, Concentrate 30, Snipe 30, Air Strike 30, Time Leap 30 If you wish to purchase a book NOT for your specific class, the price will be 125% of the price listed above. (i.e. 23, 19, 8 points respectively for Tiers A, B, C) This is to encourage people to continue coming after they receive everything they want. With enough points, he/she could buy Genesis 30 with the skillbook column points and sell it in his/her own store for 100% profit! The HTP/Egg/Leaf points are used for: HTP (Requires 8 points to purchase): HTP Egg (Requires 4 points and an HTP to purchase): Egg Maple Leaf/5k NX (Requires 10 points and a completed HTP/Eggto purchase): Leaf If multiple people wish to purchase the same object at the same time, the person with the higher points available will win. If both parties have the same number of points, level priority will be the deciding factor. Whoever becomes the dispel mule in the warp order will receive a free Maple Leaf at the end as a compensation for your struggles. Special addendum for people like @Sweep : If we feel we need someone to dual client and we have faith in his/her dual-clienting prowess AND both clients survive the run, said person will receive 150% of the usual points. I personally have very little interest in money so we won't be selling anything for mesos until everyone in the squad has looted. The point system is subject to change if we feel the books are either too hard or too easy to purchase. Application Format to join the squad: IGN: Job/Level: Needed Loots: Date(s) attending: * Spoiler: Example Application IGN: Platypie Job/Level: Paladin/162 Needed Loots: HTP, Egg, Heaven's Hammer 30, MW20 Date(s) attending: May 5th *Everyone is encouraged to apply even if he/she cannot make the scheduled run as to gauge the level of interest in SEA/Australia Horntail. Leave blank if interested but unavailable at the scheduled time(s). Scheduled Run(s): May 28th 11AM GMT May 29th 11AM GMT May 30th 11AM GMT Party Members: Spoiler: May 28th 11AM GMT Melee: Ranged: Extra: Spoiler: May 29th 11AM GMT Melee: Ranged: Extra: Spoiler: May 30th 11AM GMT Melee: Ranged: Extra: Run History: Credits: Much thanks to @Desmond for the creation of the banner and the point system and @Vivienneex for looking pretty.
Application Format to join the squad: IGN: Valentica Job/Level: hero, 158 Date(s) attending: 5th May. Plats Yolo runs invade horntail? Me gusta :>
Application Format to join the squad: IGN: soJoo Job/Level: 170 Date(s) attending: * not sute about may 5th but definitely on future runs
IGN: Angelcakes Job/Level: Nightlord/156 Needed Loots : HTP , egg ,mw20/bliz30 Date(s) attending:5th May
IGN: Moderato Job/Level: I/L Archmage/179 Date(s) attending: N/A IGN: trains Job/Level: DK/13x (Seduce mule) Date(s) attending: 5th May
I just updated the application format to include a list of needed loots. Also, I believe I said Wednesday in game to some people but let me correct myself. The run is on TUESDAY May 5th. Sorry for any confusion.
@Shnang @Moderato @ChubbyMello please indicate what you need from HT? E.g = Need: HTP, EGG, GEN30 and MW20. Thanks!
Hello fellow Singaporean @yiks the run tomorrow is actually at 8pm tomorrow. The time @Platypi indicate above is actually in server time.
Oops my bad! But still I won't be able to be down, working till 7.30pm haha. Next time for sure though
I'll be there plat, although get another SE just in case.... I've reinstall my VMWare, all seems fine but hopefully I'll make it through....
I just updated the information about looting system and the point tracker. If there are any questions feel free to post them here~
ign; PureHeroin Job/level:Corsair/19x Needed Loots: genesis 30(Other people can get it before me) Attending: 5th may(if you need me)