Game Challenge: Ironman Mode (Solo, DIY - No Trading)

Discussion in 'Community' started by PaddysPub, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Apoc_Ellipsis

    Apoc_Ellipsis Donator

    Jul 18, 2023
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    Why not try NLC - Phantom Forest the Leprechauns drop Steeleys and you are ranged so you should be good.
  2. pragmasaurus

    pragmasaurus Donator

    Mar 13, 2021
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    Another update on the dagger warrior journey:



    Haven't made as much progress because I took a break after anni, and also took much longer than expected to get sage cats to drop my golden river.
  3. tansan

    tansan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2020
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    Achieved 100lvl within 20days.
    got 140 potential dagger.
    659 quests done. 82% for quest specialist.


    Atta, Jeanq, Patze507 and 3 others like this.
  4. Haas

    Haas Member

    Jul 6, 2022
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    Hey everyone,

    Brand new Ironman player here, interested in joining a guild of fellow Ironfolk! Just hit level 28 and am slowly questing my way through first job!

    IGN: IronHaas
    Patze507 and Advised like this.
  5. Auri

    Auri Member

    Aug 27, 2024
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    Hi there, I've made a few ironman characters but haven't decided on what I want to focus on. I had a question regarding the HP quests and some of the higher level ones specifically the 'adventurers assignment' quest starting from level 40 requiring completion of at least one PQ to finish the quest. Are ironman allowed to complete one of the PQ's in order to complete the quest for the additional HP given I don't intend on HP washing the ironman characters? Would we be able to have a one time completion with fellow iron characters in the guild?
  6. pragmasaurus

    pragmasaurus Donator

    Mar 13, 2021
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    Yes, ironman are allowed to party for the one step of the Olaf quest that forces you to do a PQ (Step 2: LPQ, LMPQ or OPQ)
    LMPQ is super quick so if there are other Ironmans online they can help you or you can smega for regular players to help.
  7. Auri

    Auri Member

    Aug 27, 2024
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    Perfect! That's good to know, thank you!
  8. bababa

    bababa Member

    Apr 6, 2023
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    Hey y'all, was just wondering if i could get a guild invite. IGN: IronTofu
    Mrdeadlifter93 likes this.
  9. Advised

    Advised Member

    Dec 27, 2023
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    Hello Everyone,

    I hope everybody is doing well! I would like to provide an update on my character as I have not done one in a while.

    On August 27,2024 I was able to reach level 180 on my hero. While I did decide myself to gachapon on this character after hitting the level 180 milestone, I have not been too motivated to play as my luck has not been good regarding the ifia rings.

    Level 180.png

    I have hinted in my previous post that I would be making a new character after a certain point and I finally made one. I decided on making a female archer that will be a marksman in the future as this was one of my mains in GMS. Looking at the marksman class in ironman, we have access to farmable crossbow for attack 30% scrolls at himes, an area in Temple of Time that provides 3 or 4 items that we want in one mob, and the low health total can be slowly fixed by repeating the HP quests infinitely until it becomes a daily. The only real downside that I can see so far is that snipe 30 is locked behind horntail and relatively slow leveling at the early stages but it can be alleviated by questing.

    The inspiration behind my username is that SplitShot is a 5th job marksman skill in GMS and here are the goals I have for the account:
    - First ironman to wield a Night Raven's Eye
    - Quest Virtuoso and Legendary Collector Medal
    - Black Belt and Repeating HP quests till they become a daily quest
    - Be in the first Ironman Horntail Clear

    While the goals stated above seems ambitious, the recent patch buffed the night raven's eye by lowering the strength requirement and also buffed the rate at which you can obtain raven's eye from the crimsonwood keep exchange quest. The only way to obtain the Tao of Shadows on ironman which is required to craft a Night Raven's Eye is to get lucky from enchanted scrolls during the Miwok Artifact Event that is happening now or to get extremely lucky with exchanging nightshadow badges from the CWK exchange quest. I plan on doing the latter as I will still be doing dailies on my hero and voting on it also.

    Here are a few things I have done so far on this new account:

    Throughout the leveling process through questing I will be trying to complete as many quests as possible to make things more efficient. As I pass through towns I accept every quest and for those that only require etcs I will farm the total amount of etcs needed.

    Levels 1-10: Standard Maple Island questing
    Levels 10-20: Questing (Bowman Instructor Training, Nautilus) and doing John's Jump Quest in Sleepywood at level 15 as well as Shumi's Jump Quest at level 20. Questing provides a lot of experience in the early game and is efficient as long as you're quick to complete the jump quests.
    Levels 20-30: Multiquesting: Kill 99 signs, Strange Dish,
    Levels 30-40: At level 35, I began to grind on Star Pixies for a Maple Crow as I am going strless for the time being. It took me over 4 hours to get a single one to drop and my killing speed was not the quickest as I was still using the level 12 crossbow. When I got my maple crow, I was level 39 and headed to Ariant / Magatia for some more questing!
    Levels 40-50: At level 40, I was able to complete the Actor Training quest that is only available to be completed at level 40. The quest involves killing 10 of Leader A and B which are mob level in the 60s. Fortunately, I had enough accuracy to hit them on a consistent basis. Questing in Ariant and Magatia is usually straight forward but there were some frustrating moments including hunting for the Cat's Eye during the Dancer's Sword quest and the Alcadno quest involving hunting for 10 triple leafs. Finally you have the Deo area boss quest which requires 2 lidiums but one of the prequests requires one lidium so you need a total of 30 lidium ores. After the questing I still had to grind out the lidium ores so I focused on collecting cards instead of staying at mobs which I got the 5 monster card buff for as we currently have a 20% exp event anyways. I was finally able to complete the Deo area boss quest at level 50 and then I headed to the Omega Sector.
    Levels 50-60: With the use of warp cards from Bartol's Request, I am able to quickly travel from Nautilus to Omega Sector without using the boat which is very convenient because you have to go to Perion daily to accept the Miwok ring quests. I chose to not pursue the level 43 maple crossbow as it is normal speed for some reason compared to the fast speed of the crow. Unfortunately I was only able to get 1 Glove for Attack 60% scroll from killing 1500 Mateons for the antidote quest.

    Currently I am level 62 with 408 quests completed but I will provide an update in the future on my progress for this account. I'm really excited to share with you all the knowledge I have gained playing the hero and applying it to this new character. Happy Mapling Everyone!


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    Jeanq, icedem0n, Patze507 and 2 others like this.
  10. Brigz

    Brigz Member

    Sep 10, 2024
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    Hello! I'm Brigz, I would like to join the challenge please.
    I'm going to make an Ironman Brigand (Shadower that uses STR/DEX and no daggers). My goals are to complete the quest specialist and monster card collector medals and to make and equip a Crimon Arcglaive.
    MoriForest, icedem0n, Dodge and 6 others like this.
  11. godys

    godys Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2016
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    ~f14 :PBLove:
    Jeanq, Dodge, Patze507 and 1 other person like this.
  12. arapoib

    arapoib Member

    Mar 20, 2021
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    Looking for an invite to guild!

    Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 20.09.36.png
    Patze507 and Kheb like this.
  13. Fernando Rutte

    Fernando Rutte Member

    Dec 2, 2016
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    Hi everyone!!! I'm looking for an invite to the guild. IGN: Khrozz
    I'm not sure if I want to play as a dexless hero or a pally.

    My Goals are:
    - Get Quest Virtuoso and Legendary Collector Medals.
    - Black Belt.
    - Doing Hp quests untill it become daily.

    Kheb and Patze507 like this.
  14. Roelypopper

    Roelypopper Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2014
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    Hi all,

    Started an ironman and I am looking for a guild invite of the Ironman group.

    I decided to go spearman since my main is a dark knight and I just love playing this class.

    My goals aren't cut in stone, but 4th job + obtaining sky ski and purple surfboard are the main goals for now.


    Currently farming overall dex 60%, already passed my first 2 :D

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    Patze507 and Kheb like this.
  15. Advised

    Advised Member

    Dec 27, 2023
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    Hello Everybody,

    I hope everyone is doing well and had good rolls on their miwok rings!

    I am writing to provide an update on both of my characters now that the event is over.

    For my MM:

    Levels 62- 70: For these levels I decided to focus on farming dark crystal ores as a dark crystal is required for the third job advancement. Looking at the drop tables, I went to Forest of Golem because it was close to Perion for the miwok dailies and also because I needed Gloves for Attack 60% from the Mixed Golems. Dark Stone Golems drop the maple nishada, the very rare ancient scroll, and also dark crystal ores. Power Knockback was very useful in this map as it is very dense. At level 63 I received an end game item in the form of a godly rolled Circle Ancient of Strength! Unfortunately, I was not that lucky when finding a Maple Nishada as it took over 4 hours for one of them to drop and to make matters worse, it was the lowest possible attack roll! After gathering up an adequate amount of glove for attack 60% scrolls, I went to Mysterious Path 3 to do some quests while also hunting Slimies for dark crystal ores as they have a high drop rate for them. I reached level 70 from the Slimies but unfortunately I did not have enough dark crystal ores for job advancement. Godly Ring.png

    Levels 70-80: After I reached level 70, I started to hunt malady and wraiths as both mobs drop dark crystal ore as well as etc items needed for Water of the Spring Youth quest that provides 500 maximum hp in total after completing all of the quests. Even after gathering 560 etcs from both mobs I was still shorthanded so I went back to dark stone golems for an upgrade on the maple nishada as well as more dark crystal ores. I was able to get an 83 att nishada but not enough ores so I set my sights on completing monster card sets while hunting mobs that dropped dark crystal ores. Eventually I was able to gather the required amount of ores at level 72 and advanced to a sniper! While in El Nath after job advancement, I went to nependeaths to farm their honey for the HP quest and also did other quests in Orbis. It took around 2 hours to gather 17 Nependeath's Honey which is required for the HP quests, the bone helm quest, and another one that I can't remember on the top of my head. After completing the HP quest and quests in Orbis, I went back to Victoria Island to do some more questing. The early levels of third job are rough so I relied Murihat's quests as they give a good amount of experience during these levels while also bringing you to areas that you can do multiple quests at once. At level 76, I left Victoria Island to go back to Omega Sector / Ludibrum / Korean Folk Town to do each area's respective area bosses. There is an element of randomness in the Zeno questline so it ended up taking around 2 hours due to me getting 6 fake wave translators but the fake wave translator quest actually adds one to your quest count. Korean Folk Town has both the Goblin King quest and the nine tailed fox quest which are both considered area bosses in terms of experience rewards. After finishing up those areas, I went to Herb Town to begin Mu Lung / Herb Town quests. The Herb Town / MuLung area has two area boss quests: King Sage Cat and Tae Roon which gave me enough experience to reach level 80 with 569 quests completed.

    Levels 80 - 90: Upon reaching level 80, I finished the remainder of MuLung / Herb Town and headed to Leafre as I wanted to get my mount. While I was at Leafre, I did the quests that were available to me in that area but I knew that I had to come back later as I was not high enough level. With not too many quests left available for me, I went ahead and breezed through Floating Market and Shanghai which got me to level 83. At level 83, I went back to Orbis to do the Eliza Area boss quest and headed to Ariant / Magatia afterwards. The reason why I held off on doing the Magatia questline was because I wanted to farm enough emerald / topaz ores for reacquiring both the alcadno / zenumist capes. These quests require 5 emeralds and 5 topazes which are both difficult to acquire but I was able to get enough emerald ores from hunting / questing. To obtain topaz ores that I needed, I began hunting homunculus as they are the first reasonable mob that drops crossbow for att 60% scrolls as well as topaz ores. Magatia also has the Chimera questline which is useful as the monster card buff helps when farming homunculus. I headed to Malaysia after another brief stint in Leafre at level 85 as many quests opened up. Doing most of the quests in Malaysia got me to level 90 and I headed to El Nath afterwards to do the Snowman area boss quest. This quest was the final quest I needed to reach the first significant milestone for the account: Quest Specialist!
    Level 90 and Quest Specialist.png

    Levels 90-100: With quest specialist achieved, I went back to homunculus to hunt for more crossbow for att 60% scrolls. The next few levels were slow but needed as I will be heading to himes until level 120 after making some upgrades. At level 92, I went ahead and tried killing himes. Killing himes as a sniper is very easy as all you have to do it aggro every mob and place your puppet so that the himes attack it instead of you. Doing so saves many potions and can be done thanks to the increased health of puppet in this server. I will resume questing once I reach 120 but for now, I will be killing himes until 120 as they drop cape for str 70%, earring for dex 70% and most importantly, crossbow for att 30%!

    Levels 100-110: Killing more himes and I was able to reach level 110 before the event ended! I will continue to slowly grind this character to level 120 where the real fun begins.

    For my hero: My goals during the event were to acquire a good circle ancient of strength ring. Because the miwok etcs drop from any mob, I used this time to farm cloud foxes as they drop 2h sword for att 30%, 2h sword for att 10%, pet equip for speed 60%, and steel ore which are all useful. Unfortunately I was unable to get a ring of average stats during the whole duration of the event so I only got a 2 str 3 dex ring and a 3 str 2 dex ring. My ifia ring struggles also continued as I did not get any good ifia rings but I saved around 2000 purification totems, around 150 each of chao tusks and ephenia shards, and 1.6M NX to gach after the event. The enchanted scrolls were not worth it for me because I am primarily looking for a stonetooth sword and the taos are not desirable for my class.

    I first started with the Lion Heart Castle Gachapon which requires 25 purification totems per pull and I was able to get 3 white scrolls, one pair of brown work gloves, 2 chaos scrolls, and a taru totem! The brown work gloves were destroyed from a 30% glove for att scroll unfortunately but brown work gloves have a potential to be best in slot if you are able to land a 10% or 30% scroll and chaos scroll it for 5 att. The Chao Tusks / Ephenia Soul Shards did not yield anything noteworthy except for 2 power crystals and some scrolls.

    I headed to New Leaf City after and was able to buy 1890 gachapon tickets with the NX that I had saved up. I was hoping for a good stonetooth sword to use my white scrolls on and I was able to pull this beauty: PERFECT STONETOOTH.png

    This Stonetooth Sword is the maximum attack it can roll! To my knowledge I don't believe any other ironman has a perfect stonetooth sword so I finally had something to use my white scrolls on. The result of the gachapon besides this weapon were 11 white scrolls, making my total white scroll count to 33.

    All that was left to do is to scroll the sword and after 33 white scrolls were used, here were the results:

    33 WS SAVED FOR SCROLLING.png Results from Scrolling.png

    This day was an insanely lucky day as I was able to pass 5/33 white scrolls! I am very pleased with the progress I have made for both accounts and I will provide an update in the future. Happy Mapling Everybody!

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    Gert, abx123, Layk and 12 others like this.
  16. godys

    godys Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2016
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    Holy crap man
    You really has an Ironman heart
  17. LoneSniper

    LoneSniper Active Member

    Sep 27, 2024
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    Hey! Looking to join :)

    IGN: LoneSniper
    Inusama likes this.
  18. LoneSniper

    LoneSniper Active Member

    Sep 27, 2024
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    character 2.png

    First weekend of my character! I decided to make a crossbowman, after pretty much exclusively playing warriors in old school maple.

    For now, I’m going strless - and I’m also playing without a pet for the total loner aesthetic >:D - although this might change in the future.

    So far, I’m having a blast! Reached level 53 after (more or less) exclusively questing, and managed to create some okay (very wacky, but personal achievement lvl 100) equips for now.

    Goals are quest medals and just high levels, I guess!

    Met some super cool people in the guild so far, shoutout the several lvl 130+ ironman characters hyping me for lvl 30 :8):

    bathrobe.png glove.png
    shoe.png quest.png

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    PaddysPub, Patze507, Kheb and 3 others like this.
  19. FlavyJenkins

    FlavyJenkins Member

    Oct 10, 2024
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    Add me please ^_^
  20. Forevermore

    Forevermore Member

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Decided to try this challenge as a way to play Maple while working (job involves a lot of listening to audio) without having to worry about scrolling the best optimized equipment. I went with my second account to remove the temptation of NX, too. Even though voting would be allowed, I decided to impose a rule that I can only use NX obtained through the game.


    Here we go! I chose to make her a buccaneer because a) decent DPS b) I've never played one before c) can tank decently d) not a lot of HP washing need e) pirates are cool.


    My free work gloves from the island gave me...intelligence. Great start.


    Scuffed gachapon results. I'll be sticking with the brick for a while, since I'm pretty pleased with the DPS, until I can move onto a Maple Knuckle. Leveling happens so quickly at these early levels that a little inefficiency doesn't bother me.


    I was a bit worried about the Amoria hair results, since this character is going to be very limited regarding cosmetics (just look at her now) but I'm actually pleased! When I eventually get her set up I want her to look like an old school Henehoe from my childhood, but the pigtails are so cute I might keep them. What could be more nostalgic than rocking your terrible Amoria hair, anyway?

    The first day was pretty chill. I played on and off for a few hours while working and got her to level 18, mostly by doing the pirate training quests. I walked around and picked up as many quests as I could, since I've always enjoyed doing the quests anyway. Today I think I'm going to hit Ariant and do the quests there, try to get her to the next job advancement, and pick up a Maple Knuckle.

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