"Recovers some HP every few seconds. Avoid using skill points on this, as this is the least useful 4th job skill." Guess its fixed, no more say raise hp above zerk mode
I was trying to build an optimal 3rd job SP build that includes every single point: Elemental Resist - 20/20 (Standard) Spear crusher - 30/30 (Standard) Polearm fury - 30/30 (Polearm fury > spear fury cause polearm gains swing bonus damage and since it is for mobbing and not bossing it makes sense to skill this and keep a polearm in the inventory and just switch as needed) Sacrifice - 18/30 (3 points to unlock dragon roar and then the extra 15 points cause there is nothing better when all the rest is maxed, and this can help maintain berserk - 1 roar + 2 sac = 52% hp / 2 roar = 60% hp) Dragon raor - 30/30 (Standard) Power crush - 20/20 (Good for removing buffs from enemies, don't know what else to take if not this) Dragon blood - 3/20 (3 points needed to unlock power crush, when maxed the buff only gives 12 w.att this seems pretty low but surely helps, I saw this is not used because of the hp drain part so just 3 points) Hopefully this build makes sense, please let me know if not and why not! ***EDIT: This is only a good idea if you train and do not buy leech! I did this and had to reset Dragon Fury PA into spear.
This build is perfectly fine for people who will actually use Pole Arms to grind. There are however some niche bossing situations where you will want the Spear variation of Fury, which is why I suggested maxing it. Always tweak SP builds the way that fits your playstyle/content, they are just general guidelines for people who need that basic knowledge! Also sorry for the lack of replies, I've been a bit busy. I will keep updating this when I get more free time on my hands
It doesn't work. Best to just forget it exists. I do not have the maths prepared but in many circumstances this PASSIVE ability LOWERS your average damage output. It also only works for 1st and 2nd job skills. This is the case for every job's Final Attack.
I just did some bf hunting. I'm using a pinaka and I was only getting the pin down 100% without spear booster
Hey there, you can still 100% pin bigfoot with spear booster on slow speed spears, just pause abit every 3 attacks and you should be able to pin it 100% of the time. example :
Awesome to see an updated DK guide for 2024. Thanks for putting this together for the community! Quick note: At 200 I ended up with 22 base dex rather than 23 like the guide states. nvm, see below from sylafia; missed an AP when washing
You're missing 1 AP then, probably left in HPMP. Try seeing if you can pull an AP out of there and add it to dex
Hello everyone, big bossing update today! - Added new potion set-up. - Added new full Auto Pot method for Toad, no manual pots needed (does not work for very high pings sadly, old method is still there under spoiler). - Added new Von Leon method, which works for high pings too. This VL method is much easier and has several upsides such as: 1) Never having to overheal. 2) Almost never having to manual pot. 3) You can also fully Auto Pot, though its slightly risky, like I said here: Spoiler: click It's worth mentioning this: If you do not auto pot at all with this set-up, you will need the following to happen to actually die: 1) To die to Claw, you will need to roll lower than 13.54k with Auto Pot, and for Claw to hit a super high roll of 13.54k which is the absolute max damage. This is a very rare situation. 2) To die to Lightning, you will need to roll less than 13.75k with Auto Pot, and for Lightning to hit a high roll of 13.75k~. This is also a rare situation. This means that if you don't manually pot at all and you try your best to Rush dodge some Lightnings, you will most likely not die at all, so using Unagis in certain situations is just being extra careful. All that comes to say - if you miss you manual pot by mistake, you chances to die are very slim. This should simplify Von Leon for you, as this makes DRK not much harder than a Hero in this boss sadly. For those who like challenging themselves, or those who have major lag issues, feel free to use the old method. If you read the VL section before, please give it another read since all the sections changed accordingly.
Thanks for your work on this guide and for making the new setup public. This is another reason why I believe a scaled Berserk (with a higher damage boost at lower HP levels) would be better for those who enjoy zerking as a challenge and well as those who do not, as currently there is no incentive to use the more challenging method. This might be OP for lower level bosses though, so it would need to be balanced carefully (although DKs/Heroes could use a buff in general as they are overshadowed by Pally/Bucc/Shad when it comes to bossing). I'm also an advocate for keeping Polearm Fury throughout 4th job, as it's a superior mobbing skill and I find it useful for farming event items. My record time for completing the Mid-Autumn Festival quest on Dark Knight is 4:36 at Ice Valley II. This is on par with my Bishop spamming Shining Ray at Coolie Zombies (4:37) and far quicker than a solo Bishop using Genesis at Ice Valley II (14 minutes according to Sylafia). I keep Sacrifice at lvl 3 and find that using it with an Unagi/Barbarian elixir is sufficient for smaller HP adjustments. The guide states that SE is superior as a damage buff compared to SI. I'm interested in knowing how you arrived at this conclusion, as the results in this thread seem to suggest otherwise (+14.81% boost for SI, as opposed to +12.4% for SE). This thread also puts the damage multiplier for SI at 1.148 vs 1.124 for SE (although I suppose this does not factor in variables such as weapon defense). Additionally, SI would be a better buff when it comes to farming mobs that can already be consistently 1-2 shot, making it the superior choice when it comes to farming/grinding. Having both buffs would be ideal, but if I had to choose I would still go with SI in most situations.
As the goal of this guide was to simplify things for newer players, I decided not to deep dive into math and instead went by word to mouth of more experienced players than myself. My guess would be that SE scales better with gear (since that's the case with most jobs) and it could edge SI in the endgame. To fully understand that, you can't rely on charts that are based on formulas only, and in-game tests on different gear levels and attack pots will be needed to create an accurate chart. *Keep in mind that I (and others who claimed that SE is stronger) could totally be wrong, this is just a theory. However, since this is not the goal of this thread at all I decided to simplify the Buff Effectiveness section even further and I change it to this: Thanks for your feedback.
I decided to go a bit deeper into details about the new VL method, specifically about this part: Here's a full run where I used HTP + Beholder (had 900~ w.def total), and I did not manual pot at all or look at my HP. I did not die, and after rewatching the vod I was not even close to dying. So yes, Von Leon is a boss that can be fully auto potted! I've changed the main post to align with this method better.
daziunda decided to strike once again will need some time to record all the videos, for now the guide will lack video demonstrations sorry!