I'm usually playing on my laptop so it's a pain to have to use my trackpad to click the "Trade" button on the bottom right to get HS from my mule waiting at FM. Lots of other people use this tactic of FM buffing so hopefully a new hotkey can be made to directly warp to FM using the keyboard?
Well I didn't mean the literal pain but the idiomatic version of pain as a shortened version of the phrase pain in the butt. I guess you weren't aware of this usage. I'm not trying to be ungrateful for the FM warp button or anything but I am suggesting an alternative which I would personally find very useful ^^. I actually really like the ~fm idea and I also think as long as this new addition doesn't negatively impact anyone, this command should be strongly considered by the admins. You said it yourself, this option is just an additional convenience which helps make gameplay smoother for many players.
It is already made super easy to go to the FM by giving you a button you can press from virtually anywhere in the game. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
I say if anything take away the button to make it more nostalgic ( but of course people wouldn't like it so we will go with majority xD )
Servers without fm buttons seem to die from what I have noticed. They lose the community aspect of the game because there is no where to hang out anymore. I think the fm button is fine the way it is.
Agreed. I don't even have a desktop anymore, only a laptop and I've never had this "issue". What I hate is searching through stores on my trackpad. Then they made owls (shutup I know they suck [new source hype woooo] for now)
I get that other people don't all share my problem but is there a reason why NOT to implement this? Even if it's ONLY for a few players who share my opinion, I don't imagine this being too hard to implement because there's already a way to warp to FM. Of course Karven must be busy with the new source but hopefully after it's completed this feature can be added?
I'll just go ahead and say it. It's impossible without editing the client. And we are not at a stage where we are going to be reconstructing the client yet. Maybe later on when the new source is done, and even then, this is something of minor priority compared to some other things that could be changed in the client.
Alright that explanation is more than reasonable for me Thought it was a relatively simple workaround but guess not.
If you play in fullscreen mode you can use a scripting client like autohotkey to do this for you in a few lines of code. That's what they're designed to do...
I don't really understand how ~fm would be any different from people being lazy to upgrade AP points. ~str/dex/int/luk all exist and they all already have buttons and are used only 5 times per level. FM warping, on the other hand, is used a LOT more often than ~stat for people using FM buffing while grinding Of course I understand this can't be added right now but I just don't understand why so many people are against it.
I'd like it simply because I like not having to use my mouse while I'm grinding. It's not quite as convenient but I like to keep my cursor over the FM button and I click with mousekeys.