most channels i go to, all i see are afk mages farming heartstoppers. stop this shit please. im tryna train. they literally just leave their computers on while their little monster thing kills them and their pets loot.
I'm just going to ask a simple question: Have you tried to talk to any of these mages who you're accusing of "botting" ? Because I have only had 1 player talk to me when I was at voodoos today, and that wasn't you.
You accuse people of botting without any evidence.. Like I said, you can't just assume people bot if you didn't even ask them.
Yeah I use my bishop to farm heartstoppers on a 2nd client, it's not botting. If you want to accuse a single player of botting, you need to ask if they are there with the ~uptime shown and full chat, and wait a few mins until they use a skill and ask again without replying or making clear evidence they are not at there computer. Most of the bishops/mages you see are people playing on their main characters with those characters farming for them, not botting, simply using the resource that they lvled up.
How do you expect heartstoppers to come into the game? Honestly theres much better places to train other than voodoos. These mages have just as much of a right to go to voodoos as you do.
@Lomo "Most of the bishops/mages you see are people playing on their main characters with those characters farming for them, not botting" My belief was that any and all 3rd party apps for automation is botting. o-o Term 23 : Engage in robot play (i.e., "botting") or any other behavior that allows you (or any character you are controlling) to automatically function or effect any action in a game with or without your presence;
Technically your character doesn't perform any actions in the game, nor does it function in this situation. The summon spell has to be manually cast by a player and that player has to be present when this happens, after that it technically counts as just being afk as the only thing that happens is your pet automatically targeting monsters, and your pet automatically using potions.
Thanks Demi, that cleared up a lot. I was confused for a second, LOL. So it's just afking with ifrit/elquines/bahamut. ;0
Can't imagine all the channels being filled with mages just using their summoning familiar to farm Heartstoppers. Just look for an empty channel and I'm sure you'll find one.
I'm not accusing anyone of botting foo. I said 'botting' with those apostrophes like I'm moving 2 of my fingers on both of my hands.
Okay first stop calling every foo. They're not acting like fools, you have been for accusing people of botting and then saying you aren't. As others have said, you really haven't given any proof of what you are claiming, nor can what you say really be supported since people who have been farming heartstoppers have never seen you. Unless you can give a more structured piece of feedback, I don't think this thread needs to remain open.
They have never seen me because I just leave when I enter the map, there's no point in staying. But when I do stay just to kill a few mobs, they don't move and all I see is them being pushed to the wall while their little animal thing kills and loots. To me, it is botting, to some it might not be, that's why I added the quotation marks around it. What part of doing nothing but gaining is not botting? Maybe some don't even afk, but a majority of the population does
Actually, the point in staying is to determine if they are botting. If they're just sitting there AFK, or even not attacking, and you begin attacking (if I'm correct) the map will rightfully and legally become yours. Because simply, they aren't attacking. Now if they reply or you ask and they deny, that is a different story. Foo
This is exactly why my first reply was asking if he had tried talking to any of these mages he accused of botting, he didn't reply to it because we both already knew the answer. The reason to why I replied to this thread was also really simple: I had seen a player appear on my map a few minutes before this thread was created, and the player just instantly left. So this whole thread felt more like a player being salty for not being able to get a map at voodoos, and then decided to lash at the players who were farming on them. Also, might I add since little research was done for this thread: There have been reports before against players who farmed certain maps with bahamut, ifrit or elquines and non of those players got banned because they didn't do anything against the rules. The most recent one I remember was a while ago when a guy was farming elder wraiths with bahamut.
The summons only last a couple of minutes, so they can't be AFK. Don't pull "majority" out of thin air with baseless accusations. Like others have said, try talking to people, it's a multiplayer game after all. Unfortunately, that also means there's competition for the most popular maps. QFT. Also, thanks for making this thread, I hadn't even thought of doing this. I guess voodoos are gonna be even busier now
I actually banned someone who was at leps a while back when someone reported them for botted. I talked to them and even warped them to NLC. Then they made a ban appeal saying they were kinda there but just letting Bahamut hit the leps. Oops.
As far as I can tell by this thread, I am allowed to go to voodoos, hit 1 button, wait 2 minutes and COMPLETELY AFK while my summon kills things and my pet picks it up, then hit the button again. So I only have to be there for ~1 second to hit a button. I honestly dont know why this is allowed. "It does break the rules! You aren't botting, your summon is just killing things" Sounds like a shitty excuse for taking advantage of a game mechanic to make mesos (and small amounts of exp) for doing absolutely nothing whatsoever. Shouldn't be allowed in my opinion. Farming something like heartstoppers, lucky charms, or elder wraith rags is 10x more game breaking than botting holy symbol, which people get banned for.