new player coming back

Discussion in 'Help & Advice' started by renato21, Oct 25, 2024.

  1. renato21

    renato21 Member

    Dec 12, 2016
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    Hi, I'm starting to play MapleStory again on this server. I'd like to know if you have any recommendations for those who are just starting out. What would be best? A bishop?

    How do HP missions work?

    Could I start playing with a class other than the bishop without having any mesos to start with?

    What's the best way to get money?

    Does it take a long time to level up? I don't have much time each day to play.

    I have so many questions
  2. Reialtas

    Reialtas Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2024
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    I started out archer and although it's been a grind to get to high levels and to do hp quests, I'm able to do most bossing pretty comfortably.

    You can start Bishop to get mesos leeching so that you can start up an attacker with base/gear int to hp wash but I don't think it's super necessary in this server.

    Maple is always going to be grindy, it's good if you enjoy the grind. Low levels can be fun though with leveling with pqs if you're able to find people. I've actually personally grinded on regular mobs very little.
  3. Kheb

    Kheb Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    Welcome back!

    1) There are quite a lot of different means to gain HP at the moment. Check out the many guides on this forum.

    2) Yes you can. I don't have a Bishop and never felt the need of making one. Also I do not play this game to have another job next to my other full-time job. Selling leech is a very stable way to make meso. However, I cannot be bothered to do so. Imo DK is one of the best first-mains to play. They excel at most of early-game and often ran content. If you are relying on random people you don't know to do content. Pally, Bucc and BM/MM are always in demand for their party buffs.

    3) Kill shit. Alternatively, get to 4rth job asap and then kill shit.

    4) Check out the guide "Quests worth doing 2.0". Getting to 4rth job completely solo will take you about 7-21 days of playing. Level 120 until 150 is a breeze since you unlock a lot of (daily) content that grants you a lot of exp for very little amount of time played. 120-150 can take about another 7-21 days of playing. From level 150+ you don't need any advice since you will know better yourself than anyone can guess.

    1 day of playing = You have no obligations that day can play casually for 4-8 hours.

    At level 160, while playing 30-40 minutes per day. I can easily level in like 5 days or so.

    5) Please ask :).

    Welcome back, glhf on the grind.
  4. CytoScope

    CytoScope Member

    Oct 4, 2024
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    Just to add my input - regarding making money.. As Kheb said, kill stuff. Mages and bishops are great at earning mesos it's true but with godly items being in the game (each dropped item has a chance to be 'blue' and have higher than average stats, depending on the item these can be worth millions). Also loot all equips + NPC them, you earn actually quite a lot of money just be grinding!!

    Also - vote every day on this website to earn your free 8000 nx. You can then sell AP resets from the cash shop (buy them, then trade to other players in FM) and these are worth 12-13m each. Very simple way to earn quite a bit of money fast!

    Levelling up - nah levelling up to 70 goes quite smoothly, my main is level 92 though so can't speak for higher then that!!
    Sylafia likes this.

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