@Platypi I definitely wont be able to make tonight's run. Still at uni doing this shitty assignment. I'll be able to make the next ones though. Sorry!
So our first Horntail finally finished! Because of a total of 3 server crashes, we didn't get an exact running time of how long it was but the run started 12PM GMT and ended at 3:30 GMT. This picture was taken as the server crashed We never got to see the drops from our original Horntail because of the crash so TimK had to re-kill a brand new one for us. The drops from the new one included: Various below average - average equips 3 HTP's and one egg Meteor 30 Berserk 30 Enrage 30 Concentrate 30 Smokescreen 30 The three who looted HTP's are: Platypie juranga Coid (Cherish gave up her HTP for him) Egg: Platypie BIG Thanks to all those who came out and RIP to those who DC'ed or had to leave along the way. Thankfully, all casualties were successfully resurrected. Special mention to those who stuck it out till the end: Designer Cherish MinaYl Meditate thewchong KawaiiSakuya Tommie juranga Cold Platypie Thank you all for being such troopers! The point system has been updated and the description of the point system has been updated as well! Although it was a very rough beginning, I hope more people will be able to join in the future.
IGN: JaseyRae Job/Level: Sair/148 Needed Loots: MW20, Genesis30 Date(s) attending: Anytime after ~May 25th, will be level 155 and school-free by then (This app was created mainly with the intention of contributing in showing the level of interest among SEA players - don't bash me on my level pls ty)
IGN: Piuisje Job/Level: Corsair/162 Needed Loots: HTP, Egg, MW20, Airstrike 30 (well, need is a big word here... would be neat to have i guess ) Date(s) attending: May 9th
Joining DseaHT IGN: Sweep Job/Level: 17X bowmaster Needed Loots: mw20/leaf :-D Date(s) attending: May 9th
Put me on the roster when you need me, let me know when. I'm not Level 155 yet on my NL, but I'll do enough damage regardless. IGN: Flirt Job/Level: 144 Night Lord Needed Loots: - IGN: Linyah Job/Level: 167 Shadower Needed Loots: -
HI plat Im joining again on the may 9th IGN: juranga Job/Level: 158 Marksman Needed Loots: Egg, MW20(for MW20 I don't think I need it yet, priority to others) Probably I can be SE for melee party again, just don't let HT seduce me again like yesterday Yeay Steph in the HT too
IGN: Contemplated Job/Level: 17x I/L Mage Needed Loots: Mw20, Egg Date(s) attending: AFTER May 9 If you don't mind a mage () joining, I'll try installing bootcamp/parallels or borrow a Windows computer. Just here to sign up in advance if that's okay
IGN: Valentica Job/Level: 160 Hero Needed Loots: Htp, Egg Date(s) attending: May 9 Ayyyy I got vmware set up I'm down for another round :>
IGN: Yiks Job/Level: Lvl157 F/P A/M Needed Loots: HTP, Egg & MW20 Date(s) attending: AFTER 9 May (just signing up in advance like @Contemplated ) Thanks for organizing these runs
Updating my application as requested by @Desmond. IGN: Moderato Job/Level: I/L Archmage/179 Date(s) attending: N/A Need: Just Leaf I guess. IGN: trains Job/Level: DK/14x (Seduce/HB mule) Date(s) attending: N/A Need: HTP/Egg.