How Would you spend 2B??

Discussion in 'Help & Advice' started by FinestLad, Oct 28, 2024.

  1. FinestLad

    FinestLad Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2022
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    Wanted some advice on what you would spend 2b on! I have a 141 bishop, a 125 NL , and a 100 ranger (currently lvling and turning into a SE mule)

    Bishop has about 1050 MA, so can't 1 hit and only MW10 + Gen20.

    NL has a 76 A craven, and some gear, but not very funded and going unwashed.

    Really just want to do some bossing, and make money at CWKPQ/Rose Garden/LHC as i heard that is pretty good cash. Not really interested in selling leech as a bishop for 80m hr. But i have thought about saving my cash and investing into Goby leech and starting that up which is alot more profitable. What would the startup costs be for setting up goby leech including gear??

    Or any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated :) ,, 2B cash from Gacha/ CS and event good chairs selling.
  2. TakeItEasy

    TakeItEasy Donator

    Jul 28, 2015
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    for goby leech you would need at least 10b of gear (pretty sure at least, never really checked what exactly do you need but its pretty high cgs from my understanding).
    If you dont want to sell leech than you should probably invest into your NL but dont expect an easy time making money on a low level NL.
    its not too easy to find a party as a NL below 160 and even 180 (depends on your party) on cwk / horntail.
    LHC for NL is not that good and super hard to find a party and Rose Garden is really bad unless you are super strong.
    Making money from bosses is defently viable, but it really starts at later stages.
    Sylafia and FinestLad like this.
  3. Kheb

    Kheb Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    Invest in gear for your NL!

    Assuming you enjoy playing one. Usually investing in a weapon is the value for your meso, tho upgrading CGS is both upgrading your NL as your BM.
    Progression is what keeps people playing this game. Whatever people think is optimal or not doesn't matter if you are not having fun.
    If you are not very hyped to sell leech on your Bish, I would just retire it to HS mule for now.
    My experience is that if you just play the game, meso will come to you. At level 125 you can already easily kill Chao every day for good exp and some extra NX. Papu will take a minute to kill but the exp is sick and also drops decent NX.

    Upgrading the gear of your Attackers is a lot better than people give it credit for. I'll try to explain this with the following example (definitely very accurately representing reality)

    Let's say you gain some amount of damage that helps you shave off

    10 seconds of Chao - saved 2 reindeer milk
    15 seconds of Ephinia - saved 3 reindeer milk
    30 seconds of Papulatus - saved 6 reindeer milk

    kill all twice to save daily 120k meso saved on pots.

    Let's say you and 2 other friends do the same and go Zakum daily

    1 minute seconds of Zak - saved 30 reindeer milk, 30 pure water, 20 ACP and 1 Stopper

    you and your friends saved a total of ~600k*3=1.8m

    Obviously, the actual number would be very different than this, tho I hope you get my point.

    In practice I find upgrading gear the most valuable for the following:

    Let's say you and your friends have a life.

    "I have to bring my daughter to bed, I can do content after"
    "My wife will get home in 1 hour"

    Difference in a 12 or 15 minute zak run is if we actually go play the game or not.
    FinestLad and Sylafia like this.
  4. EmersonH

    EmersonH Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2024
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    From what I hear, Rose Garden is not too great for ranged classes. In LHC you're expected to use Apples which decreases the profit from totem gains by a significant amount - people mainly run it to level their characters. CWK is an option, especially for your SE, but you'll need to be at a much higher level to start running it.

    Funding for Goby leech as a newer player will be quite challenging. To quote InsertFood's guide:
    This estimate was from earlier this year, and the price of Goby gear has inflated since then. In addition, you'll need MW20 + SI, SE, and HB mules. I'd say the most straightforward route to funding for Goby would simply be to gear up your Bishop to sell Skele leech. Selling low level leech for 80m/hr may not seem like the most appealing option for now, but you'll need to start somewhere. Alternatively, you can try some of the methods mentioned in this thread.
    FinestLad likes this.

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