The Future of MapleRoyals - Changing things as they should have been made.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TN Laxus, Oct 28, 2024.


Do you agree with these takes?

  1. Totally

  2. Partially

  3. Not really, maybe 1 or 2

  4. You on drugs

  1. procrastinya

    procrastinya Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2023
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    1.a No. Because this would significantly disrupt the server’s market balance.

    1.b & 1.c Partially agree. I believe that “not impacting the game environment too much” and “not excessively enhancing farming/leeching capabilities” must be prerequisites.
    So, I suggest:
    --> The level requirement for the new ultimate weapon should be raised to 180 or even 200, with a high LUK requirement.
    --> Thunder or poison attributes should be targets, but with a limitation that the dps cannot exceed 60–90% of the weakest non-mage classes.
    --> Therefore, I would propose that Chain Lightning/Paralyze maximum Level be adjusted to 40–60, similar to Hero's Will, and introduce Skill Books (SB) to the new maps/new bosses.

    1.d a way to enhance Mage is add new untradeable m.att potion(+300~+350tma)to high-Lv limit map(Lv190~Lv200).
    2.I disagree. Newbies typically cannot afford the cost of leeching, so for their first 4th job achievement, they usually train up on their own. It’s only from the second char they might consider leeching. For players starting a second character, leveling from 0 to 135 all over again is quite tedious, so please allow me to expedite the process.
    -->Add new end-game bosses that a little better for war (but shad/bucc are still obtain benefit from war's content)
    I like this.
    5. no idea
    -->add dark element ToT mobs with high hp?
    -->add cygnus wild farming maps?
    7. no idea
    8. no idea
  2. Yuris

    Yuris Member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Totally agree with 7 and 8
  3. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    1. I think we shouldn't change up Mages too much. I've read before that usually servers that nerf Mages ultimate aren't too popular (and/or they don't change up Mages to make them fun to play outside the current FMA state).
    2. It's been suggested to do something about Ele Staffs but we'll see if Staff does anything with it.

    I do wish there was a way to get high HP on a new character without things feeling like a drag. Unfortunately, I just don't think it's possible for Royals.

    Let me just say that with a "nostalgic" pre-bb server, it's difficult to give meaningful party buffs due to the way the game is designed and it being hard to create custom content/changes. That's why people have been focused on creating a rebuilt Maple server (that's hopefully open sourced) so that it's possible to make significant rebalancing. For Royals, maybe the best option is to just push what their kit can do/make it feel better to play them.

    In my opinion, all Warriors should have Total Crash as their party buff and just let their kits be the variance between them (see BMs vs MMs). Push the warriors in the direction of:
    • Paladin - Single Target
    • Hero - Multi Target
    • Dark Knight - Mixed (allowed to better than Hero at single target but doesn't eclipse Paladins; weaker than Hero at multi-target but better than Paladin)
    • Make Blast do above 199k or make Blast do 2 lines (1 weak / 1 strong) so that Paladins aren't gimped until they can uncap Paladin
    • Improve (Adv) Charged Blow's AoE range and splash range
    • Threaten: Armor reduction increased and make it work 100%; make it also reduce magic armor
    • Give Defense Crash back to Paladin
    • Increase Total Crash range
    • Maybe make Heaven's hammer scale? (though improving ACB's AoE range is what Paladins would enjoy)
    • Improve Combo Attack: Lasts 10 minutes, no longer need orbs to reach max damage output (so that you can actually use the combo skills)
    • Panic: rework this to a debuff skill. Probably steal Dawn Warrior's Soul blade to replace Panic as the animation (Please don't make it spammable single; Hero mains do NOT want to essentially be using a Power Strike over Brandish in 4th job)
    • Coma: Rework into a very good AoE skill that's Hero's bread and butter skill for multi targets. Damage improved, AoE improved, etc (akin to Dawn Warrior's Soul Driver but better)
    • Shout: Change into a 15 sec cooldown skill to significantly buff damage, range, and amount of Targets; Non-flying(/champion) mobs are given Speed buff and aggro'd to you
    • Give Heroes additional Axe/Sword mastery or slightly improve Brandish damage
    • Enrage: Only option I'd see for Enrage is just making it a self buff. I liked other people's idea of ignoring weapon defense
    • Rage: buff to scale to Gizer-lite party buff and undispellable
    Dark Knight:
    • Berserk: An actual scaling Zerk that the other big server has
    • Hex Beholder: effects stack with potions
    • Aura Beholder: probably rework to give a self "smokescreen" to give Drks a period of time to zerk at lowest hp (vulnerable to seduce though)
    • etc

    It's not a bad idea but probably not something Royals would do.

    Pink Bean should technically be on the horizon. After Pink Bean, I'm not sure what could be added. Custom content would be nice.

    This was suggested but was rejected by Staff. Hugely missed opportunity but it's whatever.
    Kheb and kori133 like this.
  4. TN Laxus

    TN Laxus Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2015
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    About these 3 answers:

    1. I want to buff them. I want them to be playable at late game bosses just like any other class. I wanna use my Fire/Poison and feel like I do something. The suggestion of putting a CD on their AOE is to kill leeching.
    2. I like this differentiation of the warrior classes a lot.
    3. Wtf why
  5. TakeItEasy

    TakeItEasy Donator

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I disagree with almost everything in this thread. They might be good suggestions, I just dont think it make any sense to suggest them into mapleroyals.
    This server exists for 11 years and has his way to do things, you might not like them but its what the server is about (leeching, multiclienting, multi-charecters, etc)
    you can't just decide that after 11 years of the server running you change the server entirly and disable the option to leech / discourage multiclienting.

    Each class in royals has its strength and weaknesses (except for shad which is wanted pretty much everywhere, nerf shad pls).
    Not every class should be wanted in any content and its ok, people is royals make multiple charecters to experience all the aspects of the game and I think it's part of the fun.
    It is ok that mages are not good at bosses and it's ok that no one would want to take a NL into a LHC run, in my opinion it is just fine and you wouldn't really be able to fight it. If you buff mages in a way that makes them good at bossing, only mages would be good for bossing and all other classes would be bad, so whats the point?

    As for the warrior changes - I'm a strong beliver that once you add cr to other warrior classes you nuke palli out of existance (except for mules) so I highly oppose it. Dk is a bit stronger than hero at the expense of zerking which seems fair to me. IDK if warriors require much of a rework, they have a lot of advantages on other classes (low to no washing, cheap gear, etc).

    so to make it short, I highly opose points 1, 2, 3

    6. I dont really get whats the connection between PB and LHC. but regardless PB has a lot of technical difficulties and also game breaking changes (timeless gear, mw30, etc), those are things that would change the entire ballance of the server and require a lot of thought before introducing them.

    8. I dont really get what you mean here, you want the events to last 3-7 days? Not really sure I get the point.
    NehZu likes this.
  6. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    This is false. It's possible to allow other warriors to have Crash while making Paladin still be good. You can make Paladin's Crash have a higher breakthrough rate than the other Warrs. Also, you can actually make the class good beyond the Crash party buff (see other Paladin mains asking for uncap for 5+ years).

    If we were in a rebuilt server, then devs wouldn't bother with something like Crash. It's a mediocre bandaid to a bad boss mechanic.
    Sylafia likes this.

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