IGN: (lukeorg) Problem: (The disappearing MTK) Details: (MTK was purchased by me at 1.07B in the 11-1 store on the early morning of November 24th, 2024. It disappeared from 6am to 8am on November 24th, 2024. Before disappearing, I had hit a big tree in the CBD and then hung up on FM. When I came back to Japan to play BOSS, I found that it had disappeared.)
You have one MTK in the first slot of your USE currently. Regular items do not randomly disappear, and it's likely either accidentally dropped, or accidentally NPC'd (have you tried the ~buyback command?)
第二个MTK,是我早上购买的,我试过 ~buyback了,商店没有MTK, 期间我没有下线过。就30分钟的时间,我记得我没有任何的误操作。我查询过论坛,也有其他玩家发生过类似的事件,这个事件让我的心情一下子跌到了谷底,如果可以能请您帮忙查询一下那30分钟那个mtk的数据么?
Before adding the mentioned issue to the task list, is the mentioned time of 6 am to 8 am in the timezone of UTC?
Will include your issue in the task list Although normal items don't just get bugged and disappear like NX items, would still forward to the Admins for confirmation In the situation if you have accidentally sold or drop it, we are unable to provide any refunds
as matt mentioned you may have accidentally dropped or sold it and we cant help you with that unfortunately