UPDATED Now only S> 23 BWG Accepting 22 glove (30b) + topup or pure meso s/b 45b a/w 50b c/o: 45b (22 glove + 15b by Nani) 46b (22 glove + 16b by Jax) Bid ends 48h if no more bids 22 glove @30b CS/WS @470m (may change depending on market/events!) bcoin as bcoin you pay the taxes offer me valuation on your capes/items if you wanna trade/swap TY
just correcting since you use my dps as reference 1) it sold for 57b 2) buyer didnt end up buying after all gl selling anyway
Thanks for the comments and PM's Price adjusted to 52b for DPS Still selling 21 cape keeping sending me your offers! Lowballs ignored
Ending bid in 5 days for DPS on 12/5/2024. c/o 52b by depredadorxd nvm he pulled out Added a/w of 55b Still S> 21 BFC
I am withdrawing my offer on the gun because I have made another purchase and have run out of money, sorry.
Taking offers still! Also added: 23 BWG s/b 45b a/w 49b Bid ends 5 days after any s/b is reached on these items ty Probably only gonna sell one of these items just FYI for any buyers lurking around. White scrollling isn't as fun as CS-ing and I owe someone
Selling 23 BWG by weekend if no other bids last call on 21 cape or 94/20 DPS! Prefer to sell 1 of those over my glove but will close thread after selling if no further bids
Ty for offer! Thread updated to only S> 23 BWG c/o 46b (22 glove + 16b) Selling in 48 hours if no other bids