I suggested totem buff because seems the rewards could use a slight slight buff and you pretty much detailed the other side of the coin If staff wants to slightly buff RG rewards they can: Make bee exchange give 1 more totem Or let KCG drop 25-50% more totems I have no preference. Whichever one (if any) makes more sense from a balance standpoint
If you mean you couldn’t get 20 bees, then it means you can fail again in the future, so either let the 2 failures stack to a full 5 bee, hp/mp or wait till they give us 1bee:5totem.
I think it would be great that bees won't disapear in the Map when waiting some time when killing mobs, therefore you have more time to 'farm bees' and get 20bees a bit faster. Also I would like to suggest that if a bee will spawn you can set a blue notice in chat for in options to toggle on and off. Last, I think there should be a reward for exhange like green mittens or other gear what is hard to obtain for example for 10 bees each and also 5 bees for gelts.
Please add conversion of 1 powder to 5 totems. If a character who can usually get 20 bees and doesn't need extra hp/mp slips up (sneaky double spawn*, DC, terrible RNG) they shouldn't be trolled with 1-4 useless powders. I'll even take 1 powder to 4 totems, 5 powders to 25 totems if you want to keep rewarding perfect RG clears. And of course please add a mass conversion option so we don't have to press a hundred keys to convert 200 powders. *This in particular can be prevented with chat notifications, which many of us are also asking for.
Instead of changing the conversion by adding an extra option, just make it 1:5 and then an input box for how many times you want to convert at once. Solves low AND bulk conversion issues. Pretty clear QoL fix especially since you can't hold down npc chat to convert
@Matt is it possible for you guys to do this QoL or don't have the resources currently to do such a change? Not sure if this is a simple write up or requires a lot more work
As many people have already said make exchange 1 powder for 5 tokens. Make bees a little bit slower , so many times i had to run the entire map in a silver mane to catch one and/or make them stay forever until you catch. I think rewards are ok as it is now but if you wanna do a small buff just make monster drop equips at the bonus room, could make around 20m just npcing stuff. Add small chance to drop LHC return scroll from mobs. Increase drop rate on stage 1 and 2 so people with weaker gear or not best job to RG can get to bonus room faster.
Suggestion: make Ifia's rings more attainable for badly performing classes in rose garden (e.g NL). Comparing the experience with krex ring, where you can get 2 rings a day, RG rings are far more rare, and for badly performing classes even more so due to it being much harder getting 20 bees. One possibility is to increase the drop rate of the ring, another that could be fun is reintroducing the Ifia's box in the spirit of scuffed gachapon, but with a possibility of an Ifia's Ring Box. Alas, the exact implementation matters less, but I would very much like the experience of getting a good Ifia on my NL to be less of a headache
Slow bees down to just below Silver Mane speed maybe. Add bee notification in chat so players don't get blindsided by double spawns, or make bees appear on the minimap if feasible. ETC drop rate in stages 1 and 2 need an increase. It's absolutely infuriating to get stuck on a stage for 4 min and it's been happening way too often. The rate during the unintended 1.2x felt pretty fair, so maybe return it to 1.2x again. Add an option to choose the bonus room from boss stage (mainly benefits bishops and those who want to hunt burning energy) Also would just like to reiterate mass powder exchange to totems... It would make imperfect runs feel less awful. I also suggest adding wand 8 and claw 30 to the LHC gacha pool, but maybe that deserves its own thread.
It's not that helpful, I get the reasoning, but rg after the boss is just a pointless grind until a bee shows up, a log message is a sure way a player can know for sure a bee has appeared. If not a chat msg, then show them on the minimap and make them faster, it's the whole point of rg after the golem boss. You don't need to force audio/visual attention for 30 minutes for the chance for bees, and if you really want to enforce that, then make it so multiple players can enter on a ch, it's a pointless gate for something that is so finicky and frustrating to commit to. Players competing for ch for gimmicky mechanics like that keep turning players off. It's easy to miss a notification even if you're locked in. If it's not something they want to change, then some rewards should be a bit more productive to the commited. It's a little janky overall, as basically this whole thread points out