my last trade: 20 att SCG s/b 18b a/w 20b c/o: s/b by @songge354 closing bid in january 13th around 01:00 servertime sold to @songge354 for 8b+21cs/ws+25m=18b (s/b) Spoiler: due dilligence s/b 6b a/w 6.5b c/o: s/b by @Crockfords closing bid in december 27th around 11:00 servertime sold to: @Crockfords for 6b coins (s/b) Spoiler: due dilligence 13 att FS s/b 13.5b a/w 14.5b c/o: s/b by @SAMURAItaro closing bid in december 23rd around 09:00 servertime sold to @SAMURAItaro for 10 att FS + 7b coins (s/b) Spoiler: due dilligence bid ends after 48 hours of last bid accepting: ,,, mesos, downgrades, scrolled dragon kanzir >>cs/ws price at 475m<< >>buyer covers tax <<