Your post must be written in this format and posted by the person who owns the account: Your Character Names: Tikutiku, sweetdreamz, kikukiku Last thing you did: leeching Why do you think you got banned?: im not sure maybe hate speech towards a leech seller who give a very bad service and threaten me to report. Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an id that has been delete or block from the connection What GM banned you (optional): Hate speech? Failure to write your post in this format will result in your ban appeal being closed without staff intervention.
Sorry I reply to another post I thought it was mine. Yes all the character that are actives currently are those. I have 1 or 2 small char which I don't play as I pump the wrong AP skills.
If you are facing difficulties to communicate with us in English, you may reply in your native language Please list all of your characters, including inactive ones
You have been banned for RWT (Real World Trading). How have you, as somebody who started here just 3 weeks ago, been able to afford the following? 1. To wash a Shad to 20k HP. 2. To buy large amounts of goby leech and skele leech.
Closing thread due to a lack of response. If you'd like to continue to appeal, please respond here and we will re-open this thread.