Leave offers for the Green Cardigan and Chairs, can post pics for the chairs if you guys want. The cross marks are for either untradeable ones or sold ones. Have a great day <3 List of Chairs Available Halloween Broomstick Chair Gold Seal Cushion Buddy Snow Globe Chair Lioner Chair Slime Tank Chair Beach Chair Beautiful Music Chair Christmas Gift Box Moon Chair World End Lord Pirate Bone Fish on Ice Chair Cactus on Ice Chair Ribbon Pig on Ice Chair Chinese Zodiac Cube Chair: Rabbit Black Seal Cushion Demonic Birthday - Nibergen Battleship Chair Toilet Duck Chair Gift Festival Chair Palm Tree Beach Chair Bubble Bath Chair 10th Anniversary Throne Amorian Loveseat Please contact me if you want to leave an offer for any of the chairs, I do give discounts if reasonable. (IGN: KRJinSeo)
It’s all good Jonnie, welcome back . Do you think your buddy snow gone chair can be sold for less than 129M if possible??? If not, I completely understand.
Offer Chinese Zodiac Chair: Rabbit Also open for chair trade https://royals.ms/forum/threads/com...hairs-for-fashionstory-0.240369/#post-1482109