Hey, I'm a returning player and I wanted to know what the state of the meta is right now exactly? I've heard shads and buccs are broken right now and NL is Nerflord but wanted to know the state of the other classes?
Well Buccs and shads are strong and needed for everything basically NLs are trash Archers are kekw Warriors are good, except paladin and hero Uhh Depends on ur play style I guess
Play whatever the fuck you want. Contrary to popular belief, the game balance is the best it has ever been. Until you get good gear on a 200, it really doesnt matter. How about getting there first? In the case you indeed are already there. Yes, Shads seems to be the strongest atm. The support Buccs bring while dealing very good damage, with high natural hp. They are indeed very strong.
It's like it always has been: warriors are the best job, with paladin being the best class ever and anyone who says otherwise is a liar
This seems to be the best thing but I've been told that a lot of classes are mules now so I'm a little confused?
Pfff they allow anyone to be GM these days JK thanks for the Ephenia carry when I was a lowby with no accuracy plz buff warrior
People who say Shad is broken are people who have first char bishop, selling leech 24/7 to afford 20b+ worth of gears, APRs, leeching into a shad attacker which can make around 200m a week from that gen30 split on their 4-man Drytail run. I - on another hand, played my own shad with Savage Blow @ lv.40 collecting every teeth I can get my hands on from Coolies, destroyed an 100usd computer mouse from Mesos Explosion booming Big Foot to 120 and now afk from time to time after reached 200, say Shad is perfectly balanced.
Nah, shad is broken because it can do every content in the game very well, it has insane multi target DPS, really good single target DPS and high avoid which is always good. But when people talk about classes they only care about 135 or even 180+, no one care what happen before. The only downside is that they require some money to fund but still not anywhere near a NL. The "meta" for most people is fund your NL with 300b+ worth of gear and become crazy OP.
I think before you hit "endgame", there isn't as clear of a "meta" because funding levels will vary and there's more variety to the content you would run, so the strengths and weaknesses of classes can shine through a bit more imo. Once you hit endgame, your rotation starts to get more limited. Your routine might start to look something like this (at least mine does): VL HT RG Auf In a 12man VL your lineup probably includes 5 shads and 2-3 buccs, leaving little room for other classes. In HT, the optimal lineup now is a bucc and the rest shads. For RG, shad is one of the top classes, and bucc is at least okish at it. In Auf, a bucc is pretty much essential, and a shad is nice to have too. No other classes come close to being so dominant across ALL 4 of these things that you would run on a regular basis. So yes, I feel like there's a clear shad/bucc meta, at least in the endgame. However, don't let that stop you from playing the class you want to play. Because for one, maybe class balancing is on the horizon and this will all change? And two, having fun is more important. I started with a marksman. I love it. Then I made a bucc. I don't like it. Even though I feel like it's kinda just a much better class overall right now, it just doesn't appeal to me personally. I'll always go back to my marksman
Shads are the best class in the game right now. I would say Shads aren’t broken, but thieves are broken. If Shads was a Str based warrior class it wouldn’t mean much, but LUK is a broken stat. Nightlord has been the best class for almost the entirety of Royals. I think Shads are currently the best class and that’s okay in my opinion, let them stay #1. Shads vs NLs Shads can join LHC more easily so early leveling is easier Doesn’t need SE to function. Many vets will tell you make an SE mule with your NL to ease your life Washing is much much easier due to Meso Guard Nightlord however is still great. Probably barely no longer the best class in the game. Nightlord is a bit more difficult without decent funding though due to washing, SE mule, and stars. For new(er) players or first time attackers I would suggest Shadower Buccaneer Paladin Nightlord BM or MM If you have reliable funding/ a lot of mesos on hand: Shadower Nightlord Buccaneer Rest doesn’t matter too much
Basically, you will know what everyone is playing after reading this article: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/mapleroyals-new-official-damage-range-thread.177089/page-21