ALL Your Character Names: Last thing you did: Why do you think you got banned?: Ban message when attempting to log in: What GM banned you (optional): zWinter After i login and done creating a character, and click the character ready to go into maple world to play, and the window disappear and have the message sry you have disconnected from the server. I do search the reason and found that this should because of permanent banned on the IP address. I not sure but i'm the new player for this server, could be the reason of my ex-roommate got banned by using this IP address and abuse the rule of this server. Any chance that i can play on this server? since i just moved to this apartment recently.
I've had a look, and it turns out that you aren't new here. There are old accounts that I have no doubt belonged to you (and not somebody on the same internet as you). I also managed to find your old forum account, that might help jog your memory?
But they owned the IGNs that belonged to you. GodDominator, zBishopMule, zCrashMule, lndependent, KeyanC, zDistinct, Radient, ZoroOniGiri These were your characters, and that was your forum account. I am absolutely certain of this. You will need to think really carefully and try and remember.
Yes im sure that those accounts are not belongs to me. Should be belongs to the old tenant of this apartment i think.
Is there any chances for me to play on this server? i dont know how to prove that im new, maybe you can let me know some ways for me to prove i'm not zdistinct.
Have reviewed the evidence, we know it's you Note: we are not gonna disclose the details so that you can ban-evade better