Hi, I would like to get an answer from staff regarding this, since I'm getting conflicting answers from players. If it does include drop like the coupons say, here are the reasons why it shouldn't: 1) It said clearly the coupons were only exp, which is why I personally (as well as others), didn't bother getting them on my mages. 2) 1.5x drop for 2 weeks during a meso making event is a terrible idea, and goes against you trying to fix the market from the permanent 1.3x and RG that we had last year. 1.5x is huge. 3) You already gave us 1.2x drop for 2 weeks this event with the other coupon, do we really want 4 weeks of bonus rates? Anyway I don't like the silence treatment were getting so far, you are leaving players to speculate if the coupons work. Can we get an official staff comment on this?
It works for sure. And I 100% agree that its too strong. It is most likely a mistake and it shoudv'e been just 1.5 exp like advertised.
Yea, whats irritating me is how casually game breaking things like this happen and how theres no sense of urgency to fix it. I just hope staff can take action on this asap.
We are not giving the silent treatment on this. Our developers have started looking into it as it is not intended (the text is correct).
Yep. It will need to be a server check which should be somewhat soon. This will also include other changes for various other urgent items as well.
Not directly related to this topic but I am here to say i don't the silence treatment either. In my another thread in general discussion I asked something about drop rate buff things too and wished to get staff comments, I waited for over one year and no one really cares that thread until a relative new player replied my thread and he wants staff comments too, then he got it like instantly. My own disappointment aside, my questions in that thread still not be answered yet, which made me have to sacrifice the 4 weeks buff chance and then test in person, 2 coupons cannot work toghther and get 1.8x exp/drop rate, so do not immediately retrieve your 1.2x coupon while your 1.5x is still there, get it as late as possible.
Staff don't always watch over the category of [General Discussion] For me personally, I prioritise a few sections such as [Technical Help] and [Character Issues] If you have similar questions in the future (that only Staff can answer), you may tag a Staff that is active at the time Just because we didn't notice the thread doesn't mean we are giving it the silent treatment