complete this to reply 1. ign: 2. level: 3. hp: 4. job 5. accuracy: 6. prequest O/X 7. can be online 12:00pm(noon) servertime? O/X 8. Once it begins, refunds are not possible unless my character is disconnected. Do you agree with this? O/X 8/15 - 8/21 break 8/12 13 14 avail
1. ign:itsover9ooo (main ksmachine2k) 2. level:51 3. hp:4.5k 4. job page 5. accuracy: 60 6. prequest yes 7. can be online 12:00pm(noon) servertime? Yes but only on 24/08 or 25/08. Prefer 24/08 8. Once it begins, refunds are not possible unless my character is disconnected. Do you agree with this? Yes Want to take 2 runs + helmet
Hello, I would like to leech for 2 chars from 50-67 1. ign: winovercurry and WQQQ ( main corzairee) 2. level: both 50 3. hp: 860 4. job: mage 5. accuracy: 7 6. prequest O 7. can be online 12:00pm(noon) servertime? O 8. Once it begins, refunds are not possible unless my character is disconnected. Do you agree with this? O
1. ign: Chimaekk 2. level: 60 3. hp: 1045 4. job: F/P Wizard 5. accuracy: 10 6. prequest: O 7. can be online 12:00pm(noon) servertime?: O 8. Once it begins, refunds are not possible unless my character is disconnected. Do you agree with this?: O looking for 60-67 can do 8/24, 8/25, 8/26
1. ign: Snublum 2. level: 50 3. hp: 3k 4. job: Page 5. accuracy: 90 6. prequest O 7. can be online 12:00pm(noon) servertime? O 8. Once it begins, refunds are not possible unless my character is disconnected. Do you agree with this? O Looking for 50-67 please!
Hey shout out to poopymon for the zak leech. They got me from lvl 53-67, and it was quick. They were super detailed and guided me through the whole process and it was a breeze. Super nice, definitely recommend this to everyone.
@ggfeed4 24/11 no more slots, 1. ign: 2. level: 3. hp: 4. job 5. accuracy: 6. prequest O/X 7. can be online 13:00pm servertime? O/X
29/11 13:00 servertime avail 1. ign: 2. level: 3. hp: 4. job 5. accuracy: 6. prequest O/X 7. can be online 13:00pm servertime? O/X
1. ign: trolly 2. level: 50 3. hp: 3.4k im hb 4. job: e mart owner 5. accuracy: 130 6. prequest O helm done 7. can be online 13:00pm servertime? 1330 plz oopanggg<3 2run f
29/11 made this bald 54 - 67 from 2 arm runs + body arm only 54-60 60-65 body 65-67 30/11 06:00 servertime avail 1. ign: 2. level: 3. hp: 4. job 5. accuracy: 6. prequest O/X 7. can be online 06:00Am servertime? O/X
30/11 made 50-58(57 99.99%) from 1 arm run 01/12 06:00 servertime avail 1. ign: 2. level: 3. hp: 4. job 5. accuracy: 6. prequest O/X 7. can be online 06:00Am servertime? O/X
05/12 13:00 servertime avail 1. ign: 2. level: 3. hp: 4. job 5. accuracy: 6. prequest O/X 7. can be online 13:00 servertime? O/X