IGN: Ignistoya, Igristoya Problem: Coupons Details: I got 1.5x exp coupon and 1.2x exp/drop/meso coupon on my mages and it feels like 1,5x exp coupon wont allow 1.2x drop coupon to work. So i would like to know if thats true and if it is then please remove 1,5x coupons from those chars (they cannot be dropped)
The 1.5x EXP doesn't clash with 1.2x Drop coupon Note: If they are both EXP coupons, the higher EXP rate coupon will apply
So my 1.2x drop coupon is getting wasted, i cant drop 1,5x exp coupon thats bricking it and u cant help in any way? Note: im not getting bonus drop
How do you know you are not getting the bonus drop? Do you have any statistics to share? I can't forward this to Devs for confirmation without any details
Please share more details of the findings of how you have concluded the 1.2x exp/drop/meso coupon is being bricked by the 1.5x exp coupon Such as - how many hours on the mentioned mages - what are the earnings, is the 180m including raw meso gains as well? I need the statistics for Devs to confirm on their end