I think Flirt will be better. Bishops are still lacking today though @Egonics It'd be great if you could come! I'll put you on the roster for tonight EDIT: Actually now that I look at the roster, we're still missing an HB for the extra party and a bishop for the ranged party so we'll have to see how it goes. BL Platypie if you guys want the latest updates
Our second SEA/Australia HT finished very smoothly this time! A worlds apart from our first run. First of all, we can no longer call this DSeaHT (credits to Sweep) as not a single person DC'ed this run . Even though we had some casualties along the way, we were able to complete the entire run from start to finish in just over an hour. The Squad: Melee: Platypie (16x Pally) Designer (17x Pally) thewchong (18x Hero) Meditate (15x DrK) juranga (15x MM) Nathalie (16x Bishop) - Died at second pre-head Ranged: Tommie (200 Corsair) Sweep (17x BM) - Unfortunately died as soon as HT was summoned Flirt (14x NL) - Died after legs tails and wings LosAngeles (200 NL) LuckyLoook (19x NL) Sh0ok (18x MM) Yolo crew: PureHeroin (19x Corsair) No Shows: Egonics (17x NL) - Docked 2 points in both columns Drops: The fruits of our labor this run was bountiful and luscious and included: Various average equips handed out to whomever wanted one 3 Leafs given to Tommie, LosAngeles, and PureHeroin 3 Pendants all given to Meditate 1 Egg given to juranga MW 20 - Given to Tommie who purchased it for 25 points and passed it on his Drk (Congrats!) Genesis 30 Snipe 30 Air Strike 30 Smokescreen 30 Enrage 30 Special personal thanks to Tommie, LosAngeles, and PureHeroin for helping me figure out the warp order and lots of advice on Horntail! I have updated the point tracker and posted more scheduled runs for this upcoming Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Sadly I will not be there for Wednesday and Friday for the runs because I am going overseas so @Desmond will be organizing the next two runs in a comment instead. If I have time (which I most likely will have), I will update the thread to match Des's post but don't fret too much if your name isn't immediately on the original post. Once again, hope even more people will come out for future runs.
I won't die next time. IGN: Flirt Job/Level: Night Lord, 146, but hopefully around 150 by then. Needed loots: None Date(s) attending: May 15 for sure, most like 13/16, too. Will update on that. (I can also come on Linyah if needed.)
Im joining again on the may 16th IGN: juranga Job/Level: 159 Marksman Needed Loots: MW20 (if enough points) Date(s) attending: May 16th
IGN: MikaMisuky Job/Level: 16x Needed loots: Nothing, just give me points. Date(s) attending: All dates. EDIT: Just give me leafs. Like, alot of leafs.
IGN: Yiks Job/Level: Lvl161 F/P A/M Needed Loots: HTP, Egg & MW20 Date(s) attending: 13th and 15th May
Due to some unforeseen reasons, I won't be coming on the May 16th. However, I will be joining the May 13th. Hopefully I can make it as 11am GMT (7.00 p.m) is quite close for the timing for me to get home. I am fine in either extra or range party.
IGN: Jerzy/Tommie & tome Job/Level: Dark Knight/155 (hopefully) or Corsair/200 (if DrK is under 155) & Buccaneer/126 (for SI) Needed Loots: HTP, Egg (if on DrK) otherwise nothing Date(s) attending: 13th, 14th, 15th
IGN: Dakker Job/Level: 155/Nightlord Needed Loots: errythang Date(s) attending: gonna leave this blank for now cause i dont know my work schedule atm.
Whoops, I forgot I have to first aid as medic responder at an event may the 16th. Take me of the saturday please! Also, what if I'm on time for the HT run but I can't make dragon elixers because I can't find a manon? Will this cost you points? Since it happened a few times to me that I wasn't able to find a manon for several days.