S>blood Reindeer Leech>250M ea LV138+,350-400m exp( need to finish 3rd tower prequest) 1slot 1run S>Castle Golem Leech>250M ea LV 143+ or LV147+ 400-500m /550-600m exp ( need to finish 5th tower prequest) 2~5 slot 1run Spoiler: it's not service 【If you want to reach 700M exp or 1B exp during the 1.3X event, it need the cooperation of three buyers to achieve it, which is beyond my control】 I don't help any pre-quest for buyer , can wear Int gear during leech but still need accuracy LV Blood Reindeer 138 185 141 165 LV Golem 143 208 147 184 152 152