If a player finds a bug that is potentially exploitable and wants to report it, the only forum available for Bug Reports on these forums is public. So if you post it there, now other players may find out about it and start abusing it up until staff can fix it, which is not good. Additionally, the person reporting such a bug may not feel comfortable having their report being public and risk being known as a "snitch" and/or subtly retaliated against by groups of players who may have been secretly benefiting from it all along. There is a Report Abuse forum that's hidden, but it doesn't seem intended for the purpose of reporting bugs. Maybe we could either expand the scope of the Report Abuse forum to include Bug Reports, or add a new forum? Not sure what would be preferred for staff.
Hello. Thank you for your feedback. This is currently being discussed among staff. One of us will post an update if this ends up changing.
So until a decision is made. What should players who wish to remain anonymous do when reporting an exploit /game breaking bug? Use the report abuse to make a report or personally PM a GM ?