Hi, I just want to talk about this. So I got a permanent IP ban because I was playing with family members that were also voting. This litterely became a permanent ip ban... how can a server work on gms that act on impulse/ feelings. Foxy is the gm with personal problem with me and the one deciding it seems. How can a loyal player that said they will Change not be given a 2nd chance? Because the game thrives on people that vote with over 5 accounts. Is it because they donate heck loads of money? I don't know. Is this over for me? Never!
only if there was an option to get into some sort of a whitelist so you all could still play together and each one of you vote daily.. ahhh, only if.... oh wait https://royals.ms/forum/threads/how-to-register-for-the-voting-whitelist.15374/
Yea I know about the whitelist now haha. But i am still not allowed to work on it to make it good. Not allowed to start over etc.
So why are you complaining? You know about the whitelist, you didn't care to use it, now you are banned. So? Move on then There were plenty of chances for you to know about it before you got banned. Not reading the rules is on you, lol.
There's nothing unfair about being banned for breaking the rules. Unfairness would be if there were no rules and some GM decided to ban you for something that had no rule against or if the rules were somehow tucked away and hidden in a place that was really hard to see them. There's literally 3 or 4 different places that you are told about the voting rules. And the rules are shown every single time you go to vote. . Find a mirror and look at it. That'll show you whose responsible for getting you banned.
Foxy doesn't have a personal problem with you. I banned you for breaking the rules that the GMs and some community members have listed out for you, not Foxy. I don't have a personal problem with you either.
Daaaam brother, if you wanted to pay attention to the details, it would be good for you, imagine how you would be in real life, susceptible to scams, just for not reading and executing the action, be careful!