Just a feedback! With previous renditions of CNY Events, area bosses, daily bosses like papu, chao and ephenia as well as other bosses like krex, zak and all other bosses in general (except HT and VL) spawns firecrackers to drop wish tickets and Red Envelope. Am aware that this year the wish tickets are replaced by dumplings for faction war (which is an interesting change to the CNY yearly event). From what I am aware, dumplings don't drop for all area bosses and for some daily bosses and now, you can't get any RE from doing area bosses/daily bosses unless the boss spawn mobs that can drop the RE/dumplings. Can I recommend also adding a variable amount of RE and Dumplings to all area bosses and daily bosses excluding HT and VL (as per previous CNY events) so that there's incentive to hunt area bosses/do daily content? Thank you for considering!
Fully agree with this feefback, in the past you could either use mages to leech / farm tickets and red envelopes or use bossing classes to get them. With the new event it kinda feels like mage farming story since bossing classes are losing out now
Weren't people for the longest time asking for area bosses NOT to drop anything that makes them farmable for profit (so they can complete questlines)? This seems to go against that. Maybe just limit it to daily bosses.
Agreed. Maybe not area bosses like griffey / manon and allat, more like chao/ephinia/any boss with limitations. Honestly, I don't even feel the urge to farm the CNY event or grind, unlike the CNY event from last year.