This post continues with We need a confirmation of current state of Page skill Threaten: Is it functioning as skill description? or is it giving no effect at all? Here is a simple observation on King Castle Golem which should be well-known for it's inherent high weapon defence plus it's def up skill that can reduce player damage, especially ranged attackers by a lot. With Threaten decreasing 20% of it's weapon defence we expect a significant time saving to kill it, which is contrary to the facts. Comparison (1) time to kill: without Threaten 5:36, with Threaten 5:43, there's almost no difference (2) highest/lowest damage when def up: without Threaten 120k/63k , with Threaten 120k/63k, no difference (also in video description)
How much does monster defense actually matter? iirc when calculating mage 1hit on regular mobs, they only look at the mob's hp and never their defense so it's like non-existent. The defense up buff doesn't seem like it's a boost to their defense value, but a straight up 20% damage reduction. If it's anything like player's defense value, then the formula from ayumilove is MAX damage = (MAX before defense) * (1 - 0.01*D) - WDEF*.5 MIN damage = (MIN before defense) * (1 - 0.01*D) - WDEF*.6 where D is (monster level - player level) if (monster level) > (player level), and 0 otherwise Golem is lv 180 with 3200 weapon defense. Most players are 180+ when fighting it so Without threaten (normal damage on golem) MAX damage is reduced by: 3200*0.5 = 1600 Min damage is reduced by: 3200*0.6=1920 With threaten 3200*0.8 = 2560 defense MAX damage is reduced by: 2560*0.5 = 1280 Min damage is reduced by: 2560*0.6=1536 Damage reduction difference between normal and threatened (in other words, the damage boost you get from using threaten): MAX: 1600-1280 = 320 Min: 1920-1536 = 384 Which is barely any damage difference. This is all assuming monster defense works like player defense of course.
I've tested threaten with a low damage character. The damage boost is evident and the skill appears to be working.
I can attest to defense playing a role as i deal 20% lesser to dunas v1 from NL crits with Dunas def up vs when no def up. Any regular HT runner will also know it - threaten and dispel - works in making the run faster.
I meant defense up buff does not affect the defense value of the mob, it works separately from monster defense and it just reduces all incoming damage by 20%, just like warriors Achilles skill.
This makes good sense. I was aware of the defense factor in damage formula but there seemed to be some terrible first impression from my early days of RG remaining in me that's overwhelming enough to enhance my false thinking about the irrelevance of the formula until today. After returning my ranged attackers to review the damage lines, this seperated parts of def up skill & mob def value looks pretty plausible and convincing. Appreciate the proving video and if we take it as what it is we then know Threaten in high level boss content is giving 0.7-2.2% dps boost given that attackers are likely higher level than boss and attackers range is likely 10-15k with apple and boss defense is likely 1-2k. dps boost (roughly) = WDEF*0.2(Threaten)*0.5 / ( base damage - WDEF*0.5 ) = 0.1 / (base damage/WDEF - 0.5) base damage = range for most of main attack skills except NL's TT (hope i'm not wrong here)
But this would be a little weird cuz the CWK mage also has def up but its negligible in terms of the level of dmg reduction taken. Maybe its a variable? Like Def up 1 = 10% reduction , Def up 2 = 20% reduction