I couldn't seem to find a guide explaining how to get to the Toad boss so... Here we go! REQUIREMENTS: 1- Jump Quest Skills OR Completed Prequest + 3 million mesos 2- A Samurai Knight Armor Piece in your inventory ROOM 1: ROOM 2: ROOM 3: ROOM 4: ROOM 5: ROOM 6: ROOM 7: ROOM 8: ROOM 9: JUMP QUEST: You can either complete the Jump Quest or skip this for 3 million mesos. See the additional guides at the bottom for more details! TOAD MAZE: ADDITIONAL GUIDES: Guide: Prerequisite To Skip Toad JQ Guide: Toad Jump Quest Guide: Toad Maze Decoded
Nice guide! I menorized the first 6 portal positions as: 1. Top, 2. Middle, 3. Bottom, 4. Top, 5. Bottom, 6. Top Then once I reach the yellow walls it's easy to remember.