All Your Character Names: RootyTooty/SkuIl or SkulI don’t remember Last thing you did:logged on and back off after a while of not playing trying to get access to my other account Why do you think you got banned?: I have no idea. Ban message when attempting to log in: your account is banned or deleted What GM banned you (optional): I’ve been trying to log into my account for several years now and one of them apparently is now deleted and banned and the other I made a post trying to gain access and was ignored I’m just trying to gain access to my accounts
You own the IGN "Ganj" as listed on your forum profile, it is on the same account as 'SkuIl'. I cannot quite wrap my head around why so many different forum accounts appear to be owned by the owner of 'Ganj'. Which of these are you?
Yes ganj is on a different one of my accounts that I was trying to recover the information on. I believe he is around or was around 14x F/p ganj and skuil are on different accounts and I know skuil should’ve been a 14x bishop
My only forum account is this one which I made back in 2015 and used for everything regarding my 2 accounts
The last character I played on was non of those, I last played RootyTooty he’s a Corsair around 155 I believe. But Ganj is a fire poison 14x or 15x I can’t remember exactly
Please answer the questions: When did you last play on skuil? When did you last play on ganj? Oh and also, when did you last play on RootyTooty?
I apologize, I haven’t been on them in years to be honest, at least 3 year I would have to say. I’ve been inactive on all my accounts and been trying to gain access and try and play again
How about RootyTooty? When did you last access that one? Are any of the following IGNs familiar to you? Or do you know the person who owns any of these? Please check this list carefully. SmokePapi PlusUltraSE PlusUltraCR BoyDatsCap MaryJaneee ChefBigDog PirateBigDog BumFuzz BudSmoke Mule4Se LionAlpha iTiger Braith DoeParaMSF AriAster Slig
I last accessed RootyTooty around a year or so ago Bumfuzz,Budsmoke are both mine and I want to say sliq, I had a 50 assassin on the RootyTooty account with a name that seems similar, I forgot the exact name though I also remember mule4se it sounds real familiar to me as a mule I never got to far on
Alright, I am going to DM you for some additional information that should not be shared in the ban appeal. And also, can you post the link here to the account recovery request you said that you made?
Any updates? for what it’s worth I was on the voting whitelist back in the day and provided my ID and can provide it again