S> 11 att BFC Might add picture later S/B 3.2b A/W 3.6b Selling the following NX items: tedtacular bearington 140m Santa girl overall (x2) 60m First love label 180m First love chat 100m (Can do 250m for set) Baba blue (x2) 20m Blue/green heart balloon 2m ea MYBF 10mMYGF 10m Looking for love 10m Pumpingheart 20m Accept 500m Selling 48hours after last bid
Why do u bump when it’s already sold? I’d suggest u post it on latest accomplishment if u wanna share it cuz selling forum is for selling
@onlyjayxjp6 you won the bid congrats! Let me know what time you want to trade. Today I can be online 8pm-11pm servertime but in weekend more flexible