Nope. Wouldn't ever wanna be in that situation. Have you ever killed someone and was also killed in the same dream?
Yes once, it was scary, didn't sleep for the rest of the night. Do you ever just sit down while taking a shower and let your mind wander? pls dont h8, everyone i know thinks its weird.
I did that once or twice I think, but only because I was completely exhausted to even stand... Have you ever had more than one all-nighter in a row?
Yes, two. My brain was fried afterwards... And I had developed a caffeine addiction thanks to the coffee. :') Have you ever accidentally made a racist joke towards someone of that race? (e.g. a Nazi-related joke to a Jewish person) Spoiler If that's not your kind of humour... sorry lel
Not yet. I've been close numerous times by almost spouting racist jokes to people whom I'm not familiar/comfortable with yet. Have you ever eaten your nails?
Yes 5 times, none too serious. No felonies. Have you ever built a snowman / had a snow fight? (Florida sucks)
Yes haha many times. In fact I was known for high class (paying people) cheating and test answer sheets were my goal anytime I had a classroom to myself haha. Have you ever had to fix your own car / house / property, because having someone else do it would be insanely expensive?
have you ever sat in a public toilet which had a broken lock, and the only way you would let others know that you're in it is either whistling or singing?
Nope, and I really hope I don't ever have to encounter a situation like this. Yes, but I never actually whistled, I sorta held the door shut with one foot while I did my business and prayed to god I didn't get a leg cramp, or worse, one of those kids who crawl under and push every door in the bathroom. -- Have you ever ran away from home?
No, but I did shut myself away at times back when I was a teenager. Do you picture people as items once you get to know them well enough?
Yeah, I picture you as one of those faulty ATMs that eats up cards and doesn't return them. Have you ever had to have an awkward conversation about why you removed someone from your friends list on facebook?
Nope. I simply wasn't close to any of the "friends" that I deleted of my facebook. Have you ever peed in public?
Actually, I haven't. Have you ever set your phone to silent, set it somewhere, and later spent 15-20 minutes panicking that you've lost it?