**Welcome to the Magi recruiting thread** About us We're a max member guild based mainly in NA & EU Current alliance: Equality (Chaos | Goombas) Guild Leader: ManaThief Guild Juniors: DivineFate, ChoppdCheese, Bluddin, Y0D4, DerfelCadarn, Zloord, MrGUStave Spoiler: Leadership Photo Friendly, active players who boss and PQ daily Guild discord What we ask We are primarily an English speaking guild and love to chit chat! We'd love if you also are able to converse with us in English No level minimum or job discrimination, all are welcome Please be respectful to other Magi members and members of the Royals community Bonus points if you're active, friendly, and interested in helping others grow How to join Simply fill out the application information below and we'll reach out to you in game or in this thread Spoiler: Application 1. IGN / Job / Level 2. Name (What do you want us to call you) 3. Time zone 4. Do you have discord? (Yes / No) 5. Previous guilds (if any) 6. Anything you want to say to us (Optional) Thank you for considering us as your guild family ❤️
1. CraziKido / Hermit / 80 2. Crazikido or kido 3. PST / NA West 4. Yes - Crazikido on discord 5. No previous guild 6. Coming back to the game after like years trying to relearn everything on a new account hope to find people to help me learn pqs
1. DarkNeko Bishop 147 2. Neko 3. CST 4. Yes _darkneko 5. BloodRose (doesn't exist anymore) 6. Hi I just started playing again after a few years
1. IGN / Job / Level DankDoge/Magician/14 2. Name (What do you want us to call you) Leni/Doge 3. Time zone EST/NA East 4. Do you have discord? (Yes / No) Yes. doggokin 5. Previous guilds (if any) Can't remember 6. Anything you want to say to us (Optional) I forgot I made a Hunter years ago and decided to come back.
1. luno346 / Gunslinger / 42 2. Luno 3. NA/CST 4. Yes, lunozio 5. None 6. Very new, haven't played in 10+ yrs, trying to learn and have fun
1. ThunderLucky/Spearman/33 2. Jim 3. EST (typically late post 10PM) 4. Yes, DCConvoy 5. N/A 6. Tried to rejoin GMS and realized it was nothing like I remembered and was overwhelmed with the changes! Lots of research led me here and I've been loving it so far! Trying to learn and hopefully do some PQs since I've never actually done any!
1. KaleSalads / Warrior going Pally / lv22 2. IGN: KaleSalads, can call me Kale for short 3. GMT+1 my sleep schedule is extremely flexible... 4. KaleSalads#6954 5. No previous guilds 6. Been playing Mapleroyals for over a month, closer to two months by now. Had a previous character with the same name up to lv70+ but decided to restart all over again since I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I'm looking for a chill casual experience and maybe make some friends. Hope you'll have me
1. Rosabel / Wizard (Ice/Lightning / 41 2. Rosabel or Rosa 3. GMT+1 4. Discord: beoteon 5. Back in the old GMS days I was a guild junior in a guild called LickUs. In MapleRoyals, no previous guilds 6. Played MapleStory religiously ~10-15 years ago with the same IGN and class. Wanted to return to the good old days and have been playing MapleRoyals daily since starting! Loving this server and excited to make some new friends
1. IGN / Job / Level DrBLove / Spearman/ 55 2. Name (What do you want us to call you) Dr or the full DrBLove. 3. Time zone CST - NA. I will usually play on the weekends or at weekday nights. 4. Do you have discord? (Yes / No) DrButLove 5. Previous guilds (if any) No Prev guilds in Royals 6. Anything you want to say to us (Optional) I used to paly Maplestory in 2004 in Korea. I played some other private servers but moved to Royals 1.5 years ago. This is my only character that I will probably play in Royals so all of my focus will be on this character. I wanted more social interaction like back in the old days and some help leveling this spearman to be the weak DK it was meant to become.
1. IGN / Job / Level Draxith / Bishop / 121 2. Name (What do you want us to call you) Jay / Jun 3. Time zone (UTC+8) 4. Do you have discord? (Yes / No) Yes! s7ven7638 5. Previous guilds (if any) Society 6. Anything you want to say to us (Optional) I used to play MapleRoyals back in 2021, and slowly drifted from it to try other servers which closed down promptly after I've invested everything into it lol (2022-2023) It's been a year or so since I've touched maple, (4 years since I've touched royals!). Redownloading Royals was an eye opener for me as I'm just being hit with a wave of memories and nostalgia. I've decided to be back on this server for good, but I'm still on my first character, I'm a little lost. I'm hoping to make some friends on the way and grow on this server. I'm well aware I may not be the target audience for the guild, but I'm honesty also drawn to the guild name more than anything (With my first character being a bishop and all, it's so fitting!) Thank you for considering my application!
1. IGN / Job / Level Fujison / Mage / 11 2. Name (What do you want us to call you) Fuji is fine 3. Time zone EST 4. Do you have discord? (Yes / No) Yes 5. Previous guilds (if any) None 6. Anything you want to say to us (Optional)[/QUOTE] Hi!! I'm an old time player and the nostalgia is hitting crazy hard. Would love people to PQ with!