IGN(s): Heep @Adiii , x3Shad @Pastax3 , Shaddax @kakamayka , TingTongBell @TingTongBell , Takikun @Takikun , BossKuJib @mingzai96 Category (Solo/Group/Creative): Creative Recipient(s): Shaddax Concept of card (optional): Adam and Eve (The Royals Version) God and the Devil engaged in a wager. Confident in his creation, God believed Eve would resist temptation. The Devil saw an opportunity to sow doubt, he proposed a simple test: the forbidden fruit - the Onyx apple, placed temptingly within Eve's reach. The Devil had a trick up his sleeve, he used the snake to tempt Eve into eating the apple. The snake told her that one bite of the apple will grant her godlike power and knowledge. On the other side came an angel who said that eating the apple means she will be exiled from the Garden of Eden, and be separated from the love of her life Adam forever. Eve declined eating the apple, choosing love over temptation.Shortly after, God himself appears in the garden with the angels to celebrate the love between his two creations, Adam and Eve. The devil spawns through a portal, angrily demands Eve to eat the apple, but as one more act of defiance, Eve turns her back on him and kisses Adam. And on that day of true love being displayed, Valentines was created and celebrated for thousands of years to this day!
IGN(s): PoppinBenzo, HairyScrotum, MaxTT, SiIsSi, s2xy Category (Solo/Group/Creative): Group Recipient(s): Horntail Concept of card (optional): it was wet
IGN(s): NerZu Category: Creative Recipient(s): Heep Concept of card (optional): A picture is worth a thousand words, so let this Valentine’s be an occasion to celebrate our friendship, my friend. Spoiler: Heep
IGN(s): H3rb, Sh4ke Category: Creative Recipient(s): Each other Concept of card: Our Maple characters + our IRL selves We met in a mushroom gambling game And bonded at the gacha shrine You lived far away But still wanted to be my Valentine Now we are together The scroll of love has passed We've made each other better And learned how to touch grass
IGN(s): Munkar (@jeff8434), nookimchi (@nookimchi), owala (@huipotato), Chuumi (@Miho) Category (Solo/Group/Creative): Group Recipient(s): The MapleRoyals Community Concept of card (optional): When Love Hits 999ms A couple stands in a romantic spot in Henesys, Pet-Walking Road, finally ready to have their first kiss. Their friends? Hiding nearby, eager to witness this legendary moment! Everything is perfect— hearts in the air, their friends rooting for them, and a gentle breeze rustling the trees. Then—BAM! Server lag. The world freezes. The couple is stuck mid-motion. Even the friends have stopped moving. When the lag finally resolves, instead of a kiss, the couple has been teleported five steps apart. One is stuck mid-air, the other one? Swinging his weapon like he's fighting an invisible mob. The romantic moment? Absolutely ruined. To reclaim their lost moment, they try again. Another lag spike. One last attempt? Disconnected... Their friends flood the chat with: “LOL!!!!!” "WHAT HAPPENED?!??!!?" And so, the kiss never happens... Even if their first kiss never went as planned, but their love story didn't end there. Every shared moment—whether it’s fighting bosses, farming monster cards, sitting in the Free Market chatting until sunrise, or even suffering through lag spikes, it is what makes their journey together truly special and meaningful!
IGN(s): Moonpool Category (Solo/Group/Creative): Solo Recipient(s): Long distance couples Concept of card (optional): Time traveling Every time I look at the moon, I always wonder, how are you now. What are you doing? Is the weather hot or cold? What the emotion you are now? ...Are you missing me? The moonlight is so smooth, falling, and pat on my head. Your smile is haunting in my mind. The temperature from your hand is remaining on my cheek. Your voice is echoing. ...I am missing you! It's joyful that your messages pop out. It's happiness to listen to you describing your travel and imagine I am just right aside. I long to have the wings to fly. So I eager to try, and have the confidence that I can success my time traveling, this time! ...maybe The server time got the romantic meaning coincidentally. Love him, it's him, forever. Reference:
IGN(s):Fouinar, Megagross Category (Solo/Group/Creative):Creative Recipient(s):Each other Concept of card (optional): This is a love letter to each other. To Fouinar: Go shopping in every corner with your loved one. Your smile is the most beautiful scenery in my eyes. The seasons keep changing. My love for you remains unchanged. Affectionately, Megagross. To Megagross: We have known each other for eight years and have been in love for five years. I hope we can be together for a lifetime. I hope it's not just a game, but that I can actually receive the ring that represents a lifetime of love from your hand. I will treasure the memories of our past love in my heart, and I will continue to treasure all the beautiful memories I will spend with you in the future. Are you willing to accompany me through this life? Yours forever, Fouinar.
IGN(s): Wasabipoke Category (Solo/Group/Creative): solo Recipient(s): Where r u? Concept of card (optional): In the Kerning city bar, neon flickers like a heartbeat lost drinks,lost nights,,and a love (Duo partner) still waiting to be found (ಥ_ಥ)
IGN(s): Kristya & Melonbuns Category (Solo/Group/Creative): Creative Recipient(s): Melonbuns Concept of card (optional): (Based off of the gifts below) Valentines Present Virtual Card To: Melonbuns Roses are red, Pink Bean is soon Let's see it through Party for two From Kristya An Artificial Golden Rose. Maple Warrior sticker. The Valentines card has a red string passing through both of us, loops throughout the back of the card and ends with a tied knot connected to each other in the front of the card, symbolizing how our threads can stretch and tangle but will never break. As someone who believes in the red string of fate, I truly believe we were always meant to be. And what better way to celebrate our journey than by sharing our story together in a Valentine’s contest When I first started playing MapleRoyals he was the one who helped me at the start of the game. I proposed to Melon back in 2019, but after being turned down and watching him marry someone else, we stopped talking and ignored each other for years. At one point, I even messaged the person he was going to marry, trying to stop the marriage. Asking them to give him to me. With no success we drifted apart. During our time in the guild Sunny and Cloudy, people often urged us to talk again, but feeling betrayed, I refused. After quitting in 2021 and returning in 2023, we slowly reconnected, doing content together and finally rebuilding our friendship. Fast forward to 2025—I proposed to him once again, and this time, he said yes. Looking forward to the future together with many more adventures and Pink Bean!
IGN(s): MarkScout (@ASOBOU), HellyR (@Myaku), DylanG (@cremcrem), IrvingB (@misoxo) Category (Solo/Group/Creative): Group Recipient(s): To all our Innies, and all our Outies - Love Transcends Severance! Concept of card (optional): Happy Valentine's Day from the MDR Department at Lumon! Through Severed Lives, A Thread Still Ties. A Love That Thrives, Where Reason Dies. Reference: Spoiler: Innies Hard At Work
IGN(s): RapidMusket @GleamKnight , ShaMaMa @Fle , Keyae @spring2941 , Arby @Doo , Machopz @IanLee , Ravencia @ravencyan Category (Solo/Group/Creative): Group Recipient(s): To MapleRoyals, and all the duo players Concept of card (optional): Never gonna give Royals up, never gonna let GMs down~ Never gonna mess around and betray you! Never gonna vote for twice, never gonna use the hacks~ Never gonna tell a lie in Forum! ---------------------------------------------------- Bossing forever and never to part, Duo forever we two~ And don't you know I would use apples and gelts, To share the loots forever with you~ ---------------------------------------------------- We know we all love Royals very deeply, so make sure don't do anything wrong. Hope you all can find a precious partner to boss and have fun with <3 Hey Royals, shall we dance till the end of the world? Spoiler: Watch out for the reference! Haha! You got Rick rolled...... twice! Happy Valentine!
IGN(s): Gabbites Category (Solo/Group/Creative): Creative Recipient(s): Ocular @LimeOnyx Concept of card (optional): I hope this counts! Rather than a card, I edited a whole video! Originally started as a personal project to practice editing, but decided to extend and add more onto the theme of Valentine's Day. (I am so late blame sweet procrastination). I met the stinker on this silly mushroom game a few years ago and we have been together now for almost 2 years! [pls watch at 1080p I beg u]
IGN(s): Muuu Category (Solo/Group/Creative): Solo Recipient(s): My future girlfriend (wherever you are) Concept of card (optional): The best pally rizz (single life matters)
IGN(s): Sodanee & Milrin Category (Solo/Group/Creative): Group Recipient(s): Milrin Concept of card (optional): 親愛なるMilrinへ あなたと出会えたこと、それが静かに、けれど確実に私の世界に光を灯してくれたこと その瞬間を今でも忘れません。 誰にも気づかれないように、何度も差し伸べてくれた手が、 今、私がRoyalsの世界で心から楽しめる理由となっています。 そして、GMへ。 素晴らしいイベントを開いてくれて、本当にありがとう。 あなたたちが作り出したこの空間で、仲間たちと一緒に考え、SSを撮って投稿できたその瞬間、 ただのゲームの一部じゃなく、私にとっては本当に大切な思い出になったこと、 それをずっと胸にしまっておきます。 言葉では到底表せないけれど、 一つ一つの出来事が少しずつ私を作り、支えられていると思います。 この不確かな想いが、ほんの少しでもあなたに届けば嬉しいです。 ありがとう、Milrin。 どんなに小さな瞬間も、私にとっては大切な宝物です。 これからも、一緒に歩んでいけることを願っています。 Dear Milrin, Meeting you has quietly, yet surely, illuminated my world. I will never forget that moment. The many times you extended your hand without anyone noticing, have now become the reason I can truly enjoy my time in the Royals world. And to the GM, Thank you so much for organizing this wonderful event. Because of the space you've created, I was able to think with my friends, take screenshots, and participate. It wasn’t just a part of the game; it has truly become an unforgettable, precious memory for me. I will keep that moment close to my heart forever. There are no words that can fully express this, but I feel that each little event has shaped me and continues to support me. I hope that this uncertain feeling reaches you, even if just a little. Thank you, Milrin. Every small moment is a treasure to me. I hope we can continue to walk this path together.
IGN(s): AkaUme Category (Solo/Group/Creative): Solo Recipient(s): All good Maplers and GMs Concept of card (optional): Love to all the good players who play this game with me and share in the nostalgic and new experiences. Also, a big thank you to the GMs and staffs who support this game. “AISHITERU” means “I love you” in my language. I wanted to express my love and gratitude in my own words. I used 33 roses, and it seems that 33 roses means “Saying ‘I love you’ with great affection”. I am not familiar with the culture of the number of roses, but if true, it is consistent with what I want to say. Roses are red, Clouds are like a bed. I love this game and you, I hope the same for you. Spoiler: Behind the scene It may not be necessary, but I can attest to the fact that this image was taken without editing. It was not easy to place and photograph all the roses before they disappeared. The drop technique I used has been used in PQ for a long time, so I think such experience was helpful. Through this contest, I learned that there is a culture of poetry that conveys love, “Roses are red,” and I also had the first experience of writing my own poem in English. (Probably not very well, but I hope you enjoyed it.) It was a lot of fun. Thank you.
IGN(s): Spurei Category (Solo/Group/Creative): creative Recipient(s): Anego (female boss) Concept of card (optional): I actively hunted anego, starting at lv 125 when i only had 6k hp, just barely enough to survive her gun attack but that didn't stop me from going to the parlour every 5 hours to hunt find her
IGN(s): Elyndra Category (Solo/Group/Creative): Solo Recipient(s): Bigfoot Concept of card (optional): NATIONAL ENQUIRER HEADLINE: GHOST GIRL MARRIES BIGFOOT
IGN(s): ClaudeMGS,Shib Category (Solo/Group/Creative): Creative Recipent: Each Other Concept of card (optional): My love, every moment with you feels like a melody, a harmony that never fades. Just like the song says, I want to face every high and low with you, hand in hand, heart to heart. Your smile is my light, your love my strength. No matter what life brings, I’d choose you every time, over and over. Let’s promise to cherish each day, to laugh, to dream, and to love fiercely. Together, we’ll write our forever—a story so beautiful, we’ll leave this world with a smile. Happy Valentine’s Day, my forever. Ref:
IGN(s): OwlNightLong @nerfowl , naruto106 ,OldFisherMan @OldFisherman , Aihana Category (Solo/Group/Creative): group Recipient(s): choclate and and spongebob lovers <3 Concept of card (optional): I love you like choclate oh yes i do, i love you like spongebob how about you? From probably one of the most known spongebob scenes ever! Who doesnt love choclate or spongebob? Both been with us since childhood and most people loves both! This is dedicated to all choclate and spongebob lovers out there <3 Refrence: