First, there needs to be late/end game/lvl 200 only HP content that isn't bees. The bee hp conversion is also insulting and needs buffed bc the classes that might get use from it, farm a lot less bees during their RG daily. Those are different topics, but in general, more HP content is needed if VL is already locked for so many players, and an altogether harder boss, PB, is on the way. Unless more HP content is also on the horizon, we need to discuss more organic in game HP methods in the server (that isn't an ancient exploit that causes a cascade of even more things I take issue with here) 1 stack BE into, let's say for fun, 250 HP. I have 11k BE I've been holding onto because it does have value, but I don't VL bc VL is HP locked content to me and most players (also taking up a lot of space). I don't think the exchange rate below 200 hp would be worth converting time-wise, so 200 would be the lowest I suggest. 300 would be excellent, but it could be much higher to begin with, like 500 and have diminishing returns, or the total hp you can gain from them could be capped at say 3k total. 3-4k total HP from BE would be ideal for unwashed, but 1-2k is probably more likely knowing staff, although more than 4k HP would be worth considering since collecting it is not simple, you need a LHC party or a lucky king golem card drop to keep grinding energy. Sacrificing BE to HP also forces a choice and still gives washers advantage Idk, does this have any potential?
I don't like this idea at all. HP isn't that hard to get now, you got 3 quests for it, ideally more options would be added, but they should be something you do specifically to get HP. Burning energy is something you just get from doing LHC, it shouldn't just be converted into HP. In my opinion, HP content should be something that is only done for HP content.
At 192 I have 13.6k hp. I've grinded ruel hard, did Olaf 9, have all the rings, pets (fix the snail invisible bow please), and the amazing collector medal. I'm still nearly 4k shy of VL. Legendary collector, which I've done on another char which is extremely time consuming, will only give me an extra 750, and I'll still need 3k+ HP. The conceit/trade off here is that I could turn this useless item in for HP to be able to run, but then not have that item for crafting, and need to farm a lot more. The item is useless for folks who can't go, and it's untradable. Specifically making hp content only raise hp isn't an argument either, lots of content mixes together and runs along side it or raises it as well, making it exclusive content is also not ideal either bc it means people are locked grinding hp content instead of other things they may want to do, this is a game after all, there's no reason hp content needs to be exclusive items and isolated quests, it also saves devs time. That's not really an argument that makes sense outside of itself, it's an arbitrary self imposed thing. Like tokens of teamwork could have a high token tag item that gives HP. Easy HP content plugin, doesn't need to be exclusive. The bigger question for the server is, if the PB requirement is higher than VL, what HP content will be made available for players? Bc if there isn't any, the rich in this server get richer. If there isn't more HP content, then PB is unwelcome content. PB only serves a small minority of players, who are also obscenely wealthy, and will only get more so bc only they can run and only they will benefit, it's totally pointless for most of the server
I don't know what to tell you, my bm got 19k hp and I don't event play it a lot, it just takes a few months of raul and do the rest of the quests once. And to clarify, I am not saying additional methods to get HP are a bad idea, I am saying this one is.
Not worth to me vs totems. Ifia is only 100ish HP, and BE's are more valuable as crafting or hp items than gambling them into nothing vs huge lhc gach pulls. That tight of min/maxing is just not worth the ROI for archers damage formula imo, gach liquid can improve att cgs which is better on the formula, and can be traded on other chars as well