No. Holy shit. The last time I watched those were years ago. Damn. Have you ever wanted to just stand up in class and just scream out of frustration? sos. in 3 hour lab atm and I went to the bathroom just to scream.
I want to make a thread about this. Can't say I have. Wasn't that emotionally invested in school at the time. Have you ever started counting how many hairs you have on your head?
lololol. this made me laugh. I scare my dogs all the time for their attention. And yes, but gave up cause I have too much hair. Have you ever gotten so frustrated that you just sleep all day?
Yep, done that. Have you ever realized that one ear, shoulder, and hip is higher than the other, and then were annoyed at your asymmetrical self?
Well, no... But, I'm not at all as strong on the left side of my body as I am on my right side, and I do feel the effects of that fact constantly. So that's sorta like the same thing, mby? I really need to start fappin' with my left instead xD Have you ever gone out in a thunderstorm trying to dodge the rain?
I don't think that's possible. Only way to not get wet is by using an umbrella. Have you ever fallen asleep on the floor because you were too exhausted to get in bed?
Yes, but I wasn't sober. Woke up with pain... everywhere. It's not very comfortable. Have you ever almost dozed off in class and when someone asked you something, said something completely unrelated to the question? This happened to me on my last day of class this year. x:
Omg. I wish. I'd rather train somewhere than drive my frustrations. Too much atm. Have you ever burnt yourself from cooking?
Yes lololol I currently have a rather large scar on the palm of my hand. Just tried to mix up the tray of fries I had in the oven and touched the top of it as I was taking my hand out I'm horrifyingly clumsy. Have you ever pretended to sleep to avoid people you just weren't ready to deal with? (Either family, housemates, sleeping over at someone's or having someone over)
All the time! Easier to hide your problems like that sometimes! Have you ever tried something stupid that you know the consequences of, but you try it anyway to try and cause another outcome?
Oh yeah. As if that made a difference Have you ever gone through chat history looking for happy messages from a person you miss?
I try not to reminisce, but I am guilty of it a few times Have you ever been jealous of someone so much that you wish you were them?
No. I don't usually drink and I'm not about to mess up my new car. Have you ever regretted a vacation the minute you step off the plane/bus?
Played a prank? We made several teachers cry/quit our school! Muhahaha Have you ever tried to sleep but then realize you cannot sleep because it's too late?
Many times before, and I hate it Have you ever told a lie to save your own skin but cause someone else to take the hit, and did you get away with it?