I really didnt know that having max jump would let you hit the right arm. I would have survived if i had hb.
Application Format to join the squad: IGN: kevinxjacobs Job/Level: 187 bucc Needed Loots: mw 20 i ave everything else Date(s) attending: may 16th one i can do
Sorry @KevinxJacbobs, Currently 16th HT run is full but thanks for the sign up. Stay tune to this thread for future dates. Do sign up again Sorry for the inconvenice caused.
Ugh my apologies I'm an idiot. Shouldn't have signed up for this one. Sorry again =\ I hope I didn't mess up your guys run. EDIT: I saw you dock points for no-shows. I'll gladly attend another run in the near future for no points...my bad guys
This mark the end of #DseaHT round 5 for today. We are now called the D/Sea HT. Run cancelled due to the instability of the server. Stay tune to this thread cause new dates/roster will up soon and do sign up for it and show us the support.
Hi all, I've posted more runs for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Hopefully we'll have a more stable server at those times (y).
IGN: Sweep Job/Level: Bowmaster 182 Needed Loots: MW20/leaves Sign me up for Wednesday 20th, and Friday 22th. Tuesday is a maybe atm.
IGN : juranga Job/Level : 161 Marksman Needed Loots : MW20 (if enough points) Joining on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
IGN: Yiks Job/Level: Lvl162 F/P A/M Needed Loots: HTP reloot, Egg & MW20 Date(s) attending: 19th and 20th May (tentatively as I'm still working out my schedule, if I can't make it I'll inform ahead of time!)
IGN: seanc Job/Level: NL / 170 Needed Loots: HTP / MW20 Date(s) attending: Couldn't make it to any of the coming runs (19th,20th,21th) unfortunately, but will check often to see if I can make it for upcoming runs.
Tuesday (in 3 hours) assuming there is enough people for the run to not take over 2 hours Level 161 Bishop Needs: Egg/Books/Leaf