Nope. I have never slept in class, maybe doze off a little but not sleep. Can't really afford to sleep when pretty much everything taught in class is important ._. Have you ever gotten away with shoplifting?
lol, my highschool days............ Have you ever sat with a group of people, who likes to talk about things that you can't relate... and you just sit silently looking like ._.?
Absolutely. Who hasn't? Have you ever met up with someone and then had NO idea what to do with them? Like no plans? @Aly....
Yeah, one time this guy asked to meet during lunch. But then he wanted to go to Subway and I didn't... so he left. Have you ever rolled doubles twice or more in a row with dice?
Yea fam, yahtzee grandmaster here. Related story, one time me and a friend were tied on a 1v1 rock/paper/scissors match for 43 rounds in a row. Have you ever seen a ghost?
No.... I don't like peanuts. :/ Have you ever bought something and instantly regretted it and threw it away?
Yep, but that was intended. Well, not really, but it wasn't too bad. Have you ever overslept when you had an exam?
I dont think I've ever made an exam on time!! Haha Have you ever helped someone because deep down, you know you owe them?
Rarely, but yes. In the end it makes you feel better inside tooooooo Have you ever gotten cake and ate it too?
Too many times to count. rip Have you ever watched a scary movie and didn't sleep the rest of the night?
I don't willing watch scary movies, but when I do, no, I never sleep for the night, or the following 10 weeks after that. Have you ever pissed yourself from laughing too hard?