Right first thing, im taking a break from this, i have quite alot of sixth form shit to do which is really bugging me atm due it is the summer exams and mass coursework... It's been a pleasure to play with you guys especially the people in Aria. Hope you guys have a fun life inb4 no im not seeking attention, just leaving a message, will visit this recently too when im free. pewricepew. plus will post up my art stuff here if i remember. ~Areruya.
Hehe, will do (I guess?) , well I still have A2 level to kinda tackle too so its a chance that I will be taking a break from this anyways... Tho it was nice knowing you Ty, tho I only known you for like a day?
Thanks for the offer but i'll rather stay in Aria but thanks for the offer again. But thanks you good luck too ^_^"b