I am taking a break from the forums for indefinite time. This post is not intended to be some sort of drama-queen shit, just writing as I go. Two days ago I made a harmless joke in a French-speaking thread and yesterday I got a 10 point infraction for that post. At first I thought it was a joke but it seems it is legit. I don't know what I did wrong, I don't even know how my post could offend anyone. In a forum where it appears to be OK to tell people right and left to go fuck them selves, my posts are apparently offending and hurting people. So I have come to the conclusion that I should stop posting, because apparently I'm doing something wrong here. I don't think it is fair but since the punishment is directly from Matt I accept it and I'm moving on. This does not mean I'm quitting MR, I rarely play but I will continue to play when I have time. I am though done with the forum for indefinite time. Anyways, my apologies to the ones I offended and/or hurt, and to my loved ones (nowadays spread around the world in Villains, Synergy, Manlove, Lubs, etc.) I love you and see you when I see you in-game. /Saki
Gah, Saki *facepalm*!!!! I love you, but that wasn't a smart choice of joke! >_< I know English isn't your native tongue either, but I imagine there are non-English speakers who don't appreciate having their language made fun of. You get (or used to get) stuff like that a lot on non-English discussions on YouTube. For example, most of the Japanese video uploads I've watched have got somebody commenting that they don't understand what people are saying. -_- Having said that, I'll still miss your input on the forums - partly because you're a good friend, and partly because you often put a lot of thought and feeling into your posts.
Saki.... I know you meant no harm whatsoever but someone might have been offended by it. If someone called Chinese a twisted form of English I would be somewhat irritated.. No one's telling anyone to f themselves! It's not encouraged or allowed in any shape, size or form. Ever. I will miss your fun posts in forums though. </3
It was just a 10 point infraction (which expires after 1 month) which does not affect your use of the forum at all. You need at least 70 infraction points before your forum account gets temporarily banned, and 100 points for a permanent ban. The whole point of language specific subforums are so that people can communicate with others who also speak that language, or maybe the users cannot speak English at all. I didn't find the joke funny and I don't think French speakers would have appreciated it either.
Means nothing to a GM* I thought it was a fun way to see how much certain people had contributed on the forums.
We only just met, would have been nice to actually get to know you. Hope to see you in-game every so often... though apparently your forum presence was where you really shone.
Sry Annie you were not around pre-wipe to see me be the Best and ridiculously most OP Bishop this server has ever seen.