red china (50 thief top) - dex/luk - 5/5 red arten (40 mage glove) - int 7 brown studded top (70 thief top) - dex/luk - 8/6 red china pants (50 thief bottom) - luk 7 dark avenger (35 female thief overall) - luk 9 blue goldwind shoes (50 mage shoe) - luk/int - 2/7 beige linnex (70 bowman overall) - str/dex - 7/8 blue orientican (60 warrior top) - dex/str - 8/5
bump. i understand many might be worthless. also, new: red lumati - 8 dex red lumati - 10dex -- thanks in advance
Brown Studded Top could go for 15-20m Red Arten around 10-15m Blue Orientican around 10m Everything else is worthless.
Alright. thanks. I was hoping that the china pants and 10 dex red lumati would be worth something since theyre the highest godly. you sure they're worthless?