*I'm using google translator to do this topic, forgive any error English Sometimes when I change the map or get a taxi my game closes and the following message appears: "Reached the end of file error 38" have any way to fix this? I await answers, thank you.
This is a sporadic issue, which is a known bug in many servers. Since it is so hard to replicate, it is difficult to fix. There is nothing you need to fix. Thank you.
I only ever got this bug when I was new for some reason. Should stop in a month tops of playing! haha. I have not experienced this in a few months.
I don't know then.. I wonder why I never experience it on my hunter, ranger, and priest. Maybe class specific.
I've gotten it on my bishop (even before 4th job), my night Lord (even before fourth job) and just got it today on my magician. Doubt it's class related, the error suggests the code ended.
I always get this error when using the Owls to search the free market. If I try to warp to the store and the item is still available it will give me this error after sending me to the correct free armed. Did it 4 times in a row. If however the item is sold out it won't disconnect me. Is that replicable enough to check?
These bugs are a known thing with owls, don't teleport to the shop and avoid using owls after 2 days of uptime since the owl doesn't currently refresh closed stores.