That's not fair.. I couldnt a/w the chair when i was at work >__> This sucks. w/d all my offers on the chairs.
sorry for the inconvenience, i announced the i would post the a/w prices at that specific time a day early, if you couldn't make it, then you could have told me and I could have made an exception on the chairs you wanted to purchase or worked out an alternate solution. I only added that specific a/w price because I thought the bidding had slowed down. I know @Contemplated stayed up to 7am her time. Same with @Yiks.
Added 1.5b a/w on 15atk scg. a/w 700m on dkhanjar. a/w 450m on osfa pants. a/w 450m on 7int rac mask.
Will be selling the PAC to @Huff at Thursday 23:30 GMT+1 (server time), if there are no other offers. updated c/o's on some items (had offers in store). and some items were bought for a/w & some a/w's were adjusted.