there's a day i scrolled through buzzfeed-like posts where its title written "why old maple is better than the new one" (lol) and i decided to find back the nostalgic feeling of mapling kinda sad when maple changed from 2D to 3D in ms2 (although imo it is well done, but it is just not the right ms feeling) well i am quite greedy =P I need all shoes speed, cape str, one handed sword for ma, dagger att, bow and xbow att =X thanks ^^ my ign in game: QMore. will be around 1600 GMT time i may buddy u later
Haha idk about 3D maple, guess it just a new game with content we know :| And sure! I'll see you if you are on when I am ^^
If you've haven't given it handed sword would be much appreciated, I am pretty new and have played Maple since 07, and can honestly say this is an awesome community of people. Thank you for giving
Maplestory died for me back when Cygnus Knights were new. After that, everything became too OP and made the game too boring. You can solo zakum in like a minute and parties don't mean much. Then I found Royals. I got extremely hooked. I was feeling so nostalgic and happy that the old MS existed somewhere and the community is so nice If you have any INT scrolls left that would be great IGN: Shadowless Msg me when ur usually on so I know when to get on. Thx
Welcome to Maple Royals, hope you are having fun so far! I think I still have some One-Handed sword, I'll give you whatever I have left See you around 6 EST! Most of the people felt that way, including myself, also the reason I joined too haha! I will send you a PM on the forum when I am on, but I am not sure if I have any int scrolls left bcus someone asked for it before If you want anything else, feel free to let me know!
Hey, so I will hold a final scrolls giveaway tomorrow 1 PM EST. I will soon be not as active as before so giving all my scrolls away (Includes Shield Wep Att 30%, Top Luk 70%, all the scrolls listed before and more!) See if you are lucky enough to be around during those times, I will be in FM cc1 dropping it Happy Mapling everyone!
Can I have the Dagger att and Shield LUK ? My IGN : xNum . I did lpq with xHealx back then =)) hope you remember lolz. I comes to Royal cause i'm a big Maple fan, used to spend most of my secondary schools years playing w friends, but now i get really overwhelm with all the new stuffs after big bang. Nostalgia factor you might say
Hahaha yes i remember that IGN!! And of course you can, I am not as active anymore, so you can have most of my scrolls too
Hi, If this is still going on I joined Maple royals because I played the original back before the inflation got so ridiculous that you couldn't buy anything as a non-paying player . And I would like the sword magic att scrolls . Character is either: Thrawn or Thrass Hope you have a good night
Heyy, I will be on tonight to give all the requested scrolls (Around 7EST) Hope you can make it Yes, the vote NX is one of the greatest difference in real MS *o* I will be on tonight, add me ^^ That's fine, but tell me a little of why you joined :3
I joined because I wanted to play a stable, low-rate server (tried multiple other ones but none of them lasted for longer than a month)
IGN: Doomsday Why I joined Mapleroyals: Server I used to play shut down, and we all know Maplestory is like heroin. I needed a new fix so i tried out Royals and got hooked. The scroll I'd want: Bottomwear HP 30%
I joined royals cuz i wanted that maplestory when i was little. havent played in about 7 or 8 years i must say. Can i get cape dex scrolls? IGN: juicer
Haha, I will most likely give you whatever it's not taken from other players then. Please be on at the specific time, hopefully today! I think most Dex scrolls are given away, but I can take a look for you